6/26/03 Newer times

On the Vaults Developer's Round Table forums, Sanya posted an announcement on when we should see the game servers come back on line. There is also a guessing game of when the servers come back up being held on the Vault by Sanya for those interested in signing in there and posting your guess:
    2:00 PM EDT all servers, Kay and Ig slightly thereafter. We were in the process of bringing the servers up when we found something else. I'm starting to wonder if breaking that mirror under a ladder while a black cat ran in circles around my feet was such a good idea. All right. I promised myself I'd run another patch time pool if I had to come back here with new estimates. Small prize and message board glory to the people who post the exact time the servers go up. Exact time is determined by the producer's cell phone. Greenskeeper and Alamise, you guys already won, you can't play this round


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