Game Director Discusses Impact of Update 5

Game Director Craig Morrison has spoken with about the launch of Update 5 and what it means for Age of Conan players. He says that class balance definitely still needs to be addressed and is already being worked on for the follow-up update, and the team plans to tone down the difficulty of some instances.

MMORPG asks Morrison how he feels about some players comparing Update 5 to the Star Wars Galaxies New Game Enhancement (NGE) update, which radically changed that game to the dismay of many of its users. "That update completely and fundamentally tried to redesign the entire game-system for that title, and that is nothing like what is being attempted with the current update," Morrison said. "The NGE was indeed a radical departure, this on the other hand does not really contain any radical changes to how the game is structured. The same classes are all still present and correct, their feat trees are just updated rather than being removed or replaced, so this update doesn't have any real similarities with the NGE at all."

You can read the full interview, including Morrison's views on the strengths and weaknesses of Age of Conan, at


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