Grab Bag

The Camelot Herald is back up and with it comes this weeks Grab Bag from Sanya. This week the grab bag covers questions pertaining to: new spell resist graphics, stacking heal chants, stat transfers to necro pets, glowie weapons, crafting, housing trophies, and other housing concerns. Check out the full grab bag here, for now here is a teaser:
    Q: I have a necro that I want to get armor spellcrafted for, but no one can tell me what stats transfer to the pet. I have heard only Int and resists transfer. However, I was recently told that melee resists do not transfer. A: From our magic designer: "Melee resists currently do not transfer. We're looking at ways to pass more stats down to your pet, so you may want to hold off on buying your suit." Keep in mind that this may or may not happen, and that I have no ETA if it does happen. I'm printing this just so you know we're thinking about it =)


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