Kwip's Take on Housing's Kwip sent word that he has a new DAoC story/rant up on his site about his housing adventures in "Our House, In the Middle of...Ermm...Somewhere..." Below is a snippet from Kwip's tale, to read more just follow this link:
    But back to this housing. This is, to put it simply, cool. Besides the whole needing a patch without knowing it bit, the houses are really slick. Besides the whole thing about having someplace extra to stash all your crap, there's merchants there, and they've got mighty fine prices, by golly! The only thing is... there don't quite seem to be enough bedrooms. I mean, oh, sure, if you like the army life, this whole barracks thing is fine. But, uh, I'm a theurge, and even more than that, I'm clean. Some of these soldier types - well, let's just say they wear about eight layers of filth underneath their kilts, mmkay? And while communal living might sound all neat and spiffy, let me assure you, it's fine until you get the bathtub after the necro's been in there and created zombie stew by washing the nasty bits off of him, okay?


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# Jul 07 2003 at 9:17 PM Rating: Default
yes you can have your own house in DAoC with the downloadable and FREE Foundations expansion pak.
I was the one to ask how much they cost....
# Jul 07 2003 at 6:51 PM Rating: Default
we can have our own houses in DAoC?
RE: house?!
# Jul 07 2003 at 10:48 PM Rating: Decent
51 posts
Yes, you can get houses in DAoC if you download the free optional expansion from one of the sites on this page:
# Jul 07 2003 at 6:44 PM Rating: Default
I want a house.... How much does a midgard level like 1 house cost? the cheapest one in other words.
RE: house
# Jul 07 2003 at 10:45 PM Rating: Decent
51 posts
The House Deed would be 1 plat for the cottage (level 1), with rent of 20g/week. But don't forget the lot itself, which is (at minimum) 1 plat, and at this point all lots are probably taken in most areas.
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