Notes On Pendragon, Going Live Tomorrow

Sanya reports on the Camelot Herald that 1.63 will be going live tomorrow:
    The following is the first of possibly several patches, so keep your eyes on the Herald! A brief reminder: If you've had any losses due to bugs, please appeal. It may take several days for us to fully investigate, read logs, and verify the particulars, but if we can verify that you've lost something due to a bug, we will replace it - as we have already done for those whose investigations are complete.
    And now without further ado, the patch notes that will go live tomorrow morning. We intend to take the servers down at 10:00 AM EDT, and bring them back around noon. ==================================== Dark Age of Camelot Version 1.63d Release Notes Monday, July 7, 2003 ==================================== NEW THINGS AND BUG FIXES - When trying to use the "/housefriend" command in a non-housing zone, you now get an appropriate message that the command can only be used in a housing zone. - Under some circumstances, level 1 houses would not charge money for external upgrades (roof materials, doors, etc.). This has been fixed. - There was an issue on Gaheris (the co-op server) where "alt" characters who attempted to purchase a lot would be charged for the lot but would not be given the deed. This situation happened when that account had another character who was already a homeowner and who made that house a guild house. This bug has been fixed. - We fixed a bug where if you attempted to purchase an item from a consignment vendor and dropped that item directly onto your "paper doll" interface (instead of simply clicking the 'buy' button), the item would be purchased, but would delete an item in your inventory. - There was a bug that prevented the withdrawal of money from a consigment merchant if that merchant had more than 200 plat. This has been fixed. The merchant will give you enough plat such that you have 200 total and will hold onto the rest.


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