Housing Rent and Repossession

On the Vaults Developer's Round Table forums yesterday DAoC's Internet Relations Manager Sanya Thomas dropped in a thread to clear up some confusion concerning housing rent and repossessions. Below is Sanya's comment on the topic, you can read this comment in it's full context by following this link.
    Rent is assessed each week from the day you purchase the property. So, if I bought a lot on July 1, my rent was due on July 8. The AMOUNT of rent is assessed depending on what kind of home your built on your lot... which is why you must build a home on your lot within a week of buying the land, or else the system doesn't know what to charge you and takes away your lot.
    We are investigating each and every appeal, but there are several different logs we have to pull, and it's a bit time consuming. Try to hang on - remember there are thousands of people out there with new houses. We WILL get to your appeal. So far, though, every log has shown a simple repossession, not a bug or anything like money vanishing from the rent box. If there is not enough money in your rent box to cover your rent, the system sends you a message each and every time you zone into the housing area to say "pay your rent." This message is sent each time until you have enough money in your box to pay your rent, starting a week in advance. Kind of like getting reminder notices in the mail to pay your bills, only we do it for a full seven days BEFORE the due date, as opposed to after. Basically, if you're getting the message, you should put money in the box ASAP to prevent any possible loss. We're not assuming anything, however, and will investigate each individual situation.


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