Forward the Foundation Grab Bag

The Friday grab bag is up on the Camelot Herald and this week Sanya tackles a goodly amount of housing questions that have popped up since Foundations went live. Some of this weeks question topics include: banning of cheaters, housing directory listing, 100BP tokens, removing allowed folks from your home list, loot in the frontiers, housing rent, keep settings at lvl 10, "vendor search", alt's and porting to your house, cross teaming, spell resists, and more. Here is one of this weeks Q&A's, click here to read the rest of this weeks grab bag.
    Q: Why don't you ever ban cheaters? A: In the same twenty four hour block of email that this question was included in, I had four people writing to complain about being banned for cheating – people saying they deserved another chance, that being banned for cheating was too harsh a penalty. (To which I say "wah," incidentally. I hear there are games out there that turn a blind eye towards cheaters, perhaps one of them will be happy to have you.) We do ban, and suspend, and do whatever we need to do. But we also don't discuss the action we take against an account with anyone but the owner of that account, and sometimes, it takes time to gather enough proof to ban. Just report cheating as you come across it, we will investigate. Remember, however, that just receiving a beat down doesn't mean the other guy was cheating. Think carefully, and then appeal.


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