July 14th Update

We have a new section for you that I hope you will enjoy. Our locs system is now ready and tied into stores, PA Hall lists and more. Are you a vendor and have been wondering how to let people know about yourself? Want to brag about your P.A. Hall to everyone. Want to let people know where your spiffy new house is located? Now you can. (If you had previously entered a loc, you will need to enter it again, as we had to wipe all the existing locs earlier today). Here's how it works. To add your location to the map:
  • Use the Character Builder to generate the skills of your character and then save it using your actual character's name.
  • Then Go to the Your Character List and click on "Locations, Shops, Houses".
  • Then attach a location. The key to this is using the notes section. That section uses normal html coding and lets you build up what amounts to a mini web page for your shop. To help you, we have added shortcut keys for common functions such as bold, underline, etc. You can even link to a graphic to personalize your page.
  • If you are a merchant, make sure on your user page, you make your e-mail public. That lets the e-mail address show up on your vendor page so that you can work out trades via e-mail. (For extra privacy, allakhazam premium members only show their @allakhazam.com address).
  • If it is a P.A. Hall, feel free to add your guild's charter, description, member list, home page, or whatever else you wish to let people know about you.
  • For an idea of what you can do with this page, check out this link.
  • To see Tattoine with all of the current locs, check out this page.
  • To search locations:
  • Click on Location Search in the Menu. Then enter your server, the planet (required if you want to map things), and select a location type, or just all locations, and hit search.
  • This will bring up a list of the locations you specified. To draw them on a map, click the map button.
  • This is not just for showing off and finding other player's locs. We have also added in the locs of the dungeons and many of the more interesting landmarks. Thus, this lets you map out the points of interest as well. Certain of these features (specifically the notes area and images and perhaps some other stuff) will eventually become premium-only features (sorry, but we do have to pay for this somehow). But for at least the next month or two and maybe longer, they are open to everyone, so feel free to use them to their fullest. We also welcome feedback on what you would like to see to make this feature better and more useful to you.


    Post Comment
    # Jul 15 2003 at 4:47 PM Rating: Excellent
    Since each Galaxy is different, shouldn't there be a spot for galaxy here, as well as a search by galaxy. It won't do me much good on Narius server to find a location of a feild hospital on Bloodfin.
    RE: Servers?
    # Jul 15 2003 at 4:54 PM Rating: Excellent
    The man who started it all!
    1,635 posts
    The search requires that you select a server. Global locs such as dungeons show up on all servers, but shops and such only show up on the server they are located on.
    Maps and Mozilla 1.4
    # Jul 15 2003 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
    Doesn't seem to work for me using Mozilla 1.4. All of the locations display on the upper left corner.

    Nice idea though.

    RE: Maps and Mozilla 1.4
    # Jul 15 2003 at 5:01 PM Rating: Excellent
    2,553 posts
    ya, mozilla does exact positioning completely differently than IE. so for now I just ignored Mozilla (sadly).
    Fumus, draco magus incoluit mare.
    Myrx - 70 Holy Priest, Myr - 70 Resto Shaman, Gryd - 70 Prot Warrior
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