New LDoN Screenshots

Sony sent us some new screenshots, which show another theme of dungeon coming in the Lost Dungeons of Norrath expansion. Click below on the thumbnails for a (much) larger image.
Goblin axe_to_goblin
Goblin.jpg axe_to_goblin.jpg
battle felling-foes
battle.jpg felling-foes.jpg
orc-caster two-fighters
orc-caster.jpg two-fighters.jpg


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Dieing in LDoN
# Aug 17 2003 at 1:58 AM Rating: Default
If your grp didnt have a cleric or paladin and you all die. Is there gonna be an easy way of getting rezzed in LDoN dungeons?
# Aug 17 2003 at 1:55 AM Rating: Default
Hey all you old school realmers. Yolk/Arrogant/Crypty here;p
this is gonna be so cool.
# Jul 29 2003 at 2:09 AM Rating: Default
I can see it already. Goblins raided an incoming supply ship to freeport, you have to go into their lair, and retrive the supplies. I like the plot aspect of the dungeons this will really push things forward.

So i'm guessing each zone with have a new dungeon in it? Like you get the quest in Kelethin, then you go into a dungeon off Lfay to do the quest? Sounds cool enough.

Quick question though, say a group is doing a quest and is occpuying the dungeon, you can do the same quest at the same time, in the same dungeon. So theres x ammount of copies of a dungeon x groups are doing the quest?
Realm ,
# Jul 20 2003 at 3:02 PM Rating: Decent
i played Realm too :) hehe , hard core RpG players , or Lifers.
Done before ...
# Jul 18 2003 at 6:24 PM Rating: Default
There was another game wayyy before ... that had awesome chat commands .... you could email in game a friend and they would recieve it when they logged in .. and there were dungeons that once you entered .. was YOUR or your groups dungeon and the next person or group to enter were in their very own dungeon also ... was called .. REALM :)
Soooo many moons ago ....
Anyone remember it ??
The Realm!!!
# Jul 18 2003 at 11:57 PM Rating: Default
}{ail Fellow Realmer!

Not only do I remember, but I still play that wonderful game!! By any chance did/do I know you?
You can find me on The Realm as Taarak, the level 1000 Wizard, or on Bristlebane server as Taarak, the level 52 Paladin!

And yes, I love the Realm's way of making a dungeon just for you and your group... It really makes it fun!

Good Hunting to you my friend!!
Done before ...
# Jul 18 2003 at 6:24 PM Rating: Default
There was another game wayyy before ... that had awesome chat commands .... you could email in game a friend and they would recieve it when they logged in .. and there were dungeons that once you entered .. was YOUR or your groups dungeon and the next person or group to enter were in their very own dungeon also ... was called .. REALM :)
Soooo many moons ago ....
Anyone remember it ??
CR etc
# Jul 18 2003 at 5:29 PM Rating: Decent
I wonder how they will go about allowing people to CR in dungeons that are customized for your group....will they have a seperate pocket graveyard to where all corpses pop there for CR? Say your cleric loses his isp connection mid battle and your gorup wipes and cleric cant log in for hours. What then? Can you get another cleric into your group to zone into your pocket zone and rez? Any clues how this will work? And what about adding replacements to your groups. Will the mission start over if you are required to leave to get a replacement just so he can zone in with you? Sounds like it could be a pain in the *** if these questions werent addressed prior to release. I hope they were. Anyone know how this may or may not work?
RE: CR etc
# Jul 25 2003 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
312 posts
Well, these dungeons are being designed to be crawled through, not camped. So, when you enter one of these places and kill the mobs, they probably won't respawn.

The way I understand it, in order to enter the dungeons, you have to take a quest. The quest determines how the dungeon populates itself, and likely who is the big bad at the end of the dungeon.

Once the quest is completed (killing the big bad, rescuing a princess), the exit to the zone appears, and you're free to leave. You bring back the items that the quest required you got, and give them to the NPC that started you on the quest for your reward.
# Jul 18 2003 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
kk orcs look badass imo. /votes new playable race: orcs like on EQ for PS2!
I dont understand
# Jul 18 2003 at 1:45 PM Rating: Default
So with LDoN you will input your groups lvl range and they will give you a key to a specially made dungeon? Some one please clear this up for me

I dont discriminate... I hate everyone!
# Jul 18 2003 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
This is what the new expansion sounds like to me.

Either from prompting by quest dialog (not likely) or apon zone in, the dungeon is automatically custimized to your group. And If another group zones in they are in another dugeon created just for them. Is it just me or does this seem almost imposible to pull off.

Think of the total numbers of pocket zones our already stressed out servers are going to have going. I hope it does work, don't get me wrong.

The great side of this is now the only trains will come from your puller opening the wrong door, no more "ooc/camp chk pls" evry 5 minutes, and best of all no more KS'ing. If indeed this is how the personalized zones are created.

It sounds good to me, got to at least give it a try.
pocket dimension
# Jul 18 2003 at 9:54 AM Rating: Default
From what I understand from the whole pocket dimension talk, all SoE did was rip off a good idea another MMORPG game (FUNCOM's Anarchy Online mission system) and make it there own. In AO, you would go to a mission terminal, tweak the mission specification to your liking..more money, more stealth, less magic, more chaos, less evil...things like that, tailor it to group level or individual level, then it would give you a quest item and a zone key which was unique for that mission. You then run to that area zone in, and that mission is all yours, based on your uniquely generated key. Any of this sounding familiar about LDoN? Not that I mind, cuz the mission system was the only thing I liked about AO, well that and the health and mana kits you could use to refill your own health and mana after a fight was over. But regardless...seems like thats what this will be all about. Maybe they will figure out a way to duplicate keys so if you have people that want to join you after you already got the quest, they can. Just my thoughts on SoE's scamming behinds.
RE: pocket dimension
# Jul 18 2003 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
81 posts
Yeah so?

Pergery is the greatest form of flattery? haha I know its the wrong quote, but still copying is just the way things are done in software and games. Use what works and move on.

EQ didn't get all their original ideas uniquely. As a matter of fact almost every aspect of the in game experience within EQ was copied from other games or directly from AD&D. Little of it is original thought.

Some of their "thefts" weren't done until later on. EQ's original chat and communication system was pathetic compared to Meridian59's. Sure everything else about M59 was pretty weak, but no other game before (there was no MMORPG before M59) handled chat like M59. Colored chat?, personal groups you could send messages to?, OOC's, shouts, auction, yell, guildchat, all can be found in any MUD. One thing that most MUDS have and which M59 also had were custimizable fonts, use of italics, and BOLD, one could really make themselves unique. People knew you were you based on the kind of text you used. Sir James was always Times New Roman Bold Red......EQ is still far behind here.

Guild handling - EQ was pathetic in handling your guild until LoY, and still is behind most MUD's and other MMORP's.

Point - It's all copied anyway, so I say take the best from your competition and make it work.

I want my custimizable fonts back!
sick sick people
# Jul 18 2003 at 8:15 AM Rating: Decent
bah your a distrubed individual if you even thought in passing of violating the dead goblins corpses I never even noticed it before sick sick people ;p
# Jul 18 2003 at 12:03 AM Rating: Default
What LDoN is, is SOE "trying out" instancing. Which is what EQ2 will use to. For those who don't know, instancing is a way to have "one" zone, but have multiple groups in that zone, but each group has the zone to themselves. And from the description of it, the content of the dungeon will be decided on by the groups level.

And as to where it is, I am thinking these dungeons will be scattered everywhere. Like the one we know about, Lower Guk.
Reading on Gamespot
# Jul 17 2003 at 11:15 PM Rating: Default
Gamespot has a really good article on LDoN. Bascally you form a group then get a specific quest from a person, involving the dungeon, like rescuse someone, or get an item. Then your group forms a pocket zone when they enter the dungeon, the dungeon is then fine tuned depeding on the groups levels. I can't wait >:D
Re: What Level
# Jul 17 2003 at 10:53 PM Rating: Default
In addition, there will be no waiting. The entire server could be dungeon romping, and never run into another person anywhere.

That's going to be bloody keen.
40 Zones
# Jul 17 2003 at 10:31 PM Rating: Decent
The LDoN site say's there will be 40 dungeons, and that the content will be adjusted for the lvl of the group... =)
#REDACTED, Posted: Jul 17 2003 at 9:56 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) new commands on posting.. just testing
#Illia, Posted: Jul 18 2003 at 12:42 AM, Rating: Unrated, (Expand Post) have to actually put text in the markup for it to work...
#REDACTED, Posted: Jul 17 2003 at 9:54 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) im missing all of the pocket zones and crap and there gonna nerf the drops from droga so i cant farm and stuff .. wont be back on till december Smiley: banghead Smiley: mad Smiley: bah Smiley: frown Smiley: cry Smiley: disappointed
Disturbing death
# Jul 17 2003 at 7:25 PM Rating: Default
if you look at the screenshots you see a dead goblin, on his back so you wont have to worry about being tempted to defile anything anymore.....
# Jul 17 2003 at 7:23 PM Rating: Default
with the addition of this add-on and the previous group exp patch people will probably get insane exp here, and if its anything like other dungeons it will probably have its own exp bonus, i will definatley be getting this expansion and tryin it out the day it goes live =)
New Goblin & Orc Models
# Jul 17 2003 at 4:06 PM Rating: Default
179 posts
Looks like they tweaked the new Troll models they used in LoY and put new Orc & Goblin skins on them for the new models. They look much better than the old world critters and hopefully the new goblins won't die in that disturbing "violate my corpse" pose the old world goblins use. ;)

Two thumbs up on the new models, the stone walls are reminiscent of Torgiran, so I guess that's one of the themes.
Artulyn Starsummoner 120 Grand Summoner of Omani Winter on Bertoxxulous

For the Light of a Candle to be Seen, It must be taken to a Dark Place -- UKLG
what lvl
# Jul 17 2003 at 3:57 PM Rating: Default
What lvl are these?
RE: what lvl
# Jul 17 2003 at 4:12 PM Rating: Excellent
2,553 posts
We don't know, and I don't think it matters. From interviews published and press-releases, it appears that LDoN will have content for all levels of EQ Players. The only mystery is where this is, not what level it is.
Fumus, draco magus incoluit mare.
Myrx - 70 Holy Priest, Myr - 70 Resto Shaman, Gryd - 70 Prot Warrior
RE: what lvl
# Jul 25 2003 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
312 posts
When they finally announced LDoN they had a flash map of Norrath up at for about 3 days or so. When you moused over certain areas, it'd show a door.

These areas were:

Southern Desert of Ro - Takish-Hiz?
Innothule Swamp - Deepest Guk
Everfrost Peaks - Miragul's Menagerie
Butcherblock Mountains - Unknown

There was another area on the map that had a door pop up, but I'm forgetting exactly where it was.

RE: what lvl
# Jul 17 2003 at 4:59 PM Rating: Decent
72 posts
Hehe, not that "where" will be a mystery for more than a day with Allakhazam's and other sites around ;)

My understanding, though, is that these critters will be all ranges of levels tailored to whatever your party consists of.
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