HomeLan Interviews Matt Firor on ToA

JCal over at HomeLanFed recently had a moment to chat with DAoC Producer Matt Firor about the next DAoC expansion, Trials of Atlantis, due out October 2003. During the Q&A session they touched on: the goal of the expansion, backstory, new lands, monsters, races, new skills and professions, new monster AI, new graphical features, future plans for DAoC and a bit more. Below is one of the Q&A's from the article to read more just follow this link.
    HomeLAN - What were the developers's main goals in creating Trials of Atlantis? Matt Firor - We wanted to make sure that we add new lands for players to explore, and that is what Trials of Atlantis all about - the thrill of discovery and exploration. Atlantis adds in many new geographical features that, up until this point, we haven't been able to add to the game. In Trials of Atlantis you'll find lots of interesting monsters and settings that don't fit into the original game's northern European locale.


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