1.64A Going to Pendragon

And so it begins, "1.64A Going to Pendragon" at the moment according to Sanya on the Camelot Herald, and there a lot of things happening with this newest patch. Aside from the normal fixes and tweaks there are a ton of new things going in as well, such as: naming your screen shots while in game, new performance option to decrease hitching and pausing, new player market system, new housing zones and much more. Head on over to the Camelot Herald to read the full patch notes, for now here is a snippet:
    THE PLAYER MARKET SYSTEM Dark Age of Camelot now has a new player market system, where player crafters can choose to publish all the wares being displayed on their consignment merchants to a database than can be searched by other players. Please note that this system will only be available in housing zones. If you are a merchant, to publish the contents of the consignment merchant that you own to the search engine database, type "/listmerchant". Typing /listmerchant again removes your merchant from the database. Once a merchant is in the database, all changes to that merchant will be updated on the fly (price changes, adding items to merchant, items being sold from merchant, etc) with no further intervention from the user. To search the consignment merchant database, type "/market" to bring up the search window. You must be in the same zone as the consignment merchants that you are searching. Use the window to enter information about the item you are searching for, and click "search". A list of all items matching your search criteria will be returned to you in pages of 20 items at a time. You can page through the items using the Previous and Next buttons."


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Lots of fixes, not all.
# Jul 28 2003 at 5:49 PM Rating: Default
And they still haven't fixed Frenzied Blackhearted Shield's or Agmundr's Foe Hammer AE proc not being AE...<shrug>
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