Roleplaying and Customer Service

Director of Customer Support, Jeff Hickman, made a post on the Camelot Herald addressing the concerns of those who play on DAoC's roleplay servers in regards to customer service:
    We are 100% committed to providing an environment in which our role-playing community can role-play with the knowledge that Mythic supports their RP efforts. In our continuing quest to improve upon the role-playing environments on our role-playing designated servers, we have made the following commitments and changes to the two major RP areas (Naming and Communications):
    1. We have implemented some new tools internally which will help us to proactively monitor names on the RP servers. Using these tools, we will be able to more aggressively pursue characters with names that break the RP Naming Policy. We also hope that with these new tools that we will be able to rename these characters at a much earlier level than before. 2. As you know from the patch notes, we have implemented a new filtering system that allows you to determine what type of communication breaks your RP immersion, and then take steps to maintain that immersion for yourself. This new filter, utilized by typing /rpfilter in-game, lets you decide which words or abbreviations (from 3 to 10 characters in length) you do not like, and change them to something that you do like. You can add to this filter at anytime and it only effects what you see. For example, if you do not like seeing the abbreviation "LFG", then you can simply filter this on your client so that anytime someone says "LFG" you might instead see "Looking for group". With the implementation of this system, we will no longer take action on instances of single word or abbreviation usage that breaks the RP policy, unless the person is breaking one of the other RoC policies such as harassment, vulgarity, zone disruption, etc , or is intentionally trying to bypass the Roleplay filter. Please see the changes to the Roleplay RoC (below), for more details on this. 3. The Roleplay RoC has had some changes made to it. The changes are as follows: "All communication on the roleplay server must be appropriate for the medieval or dark-ages time-period (in-character). Specifically; -No talking about modern day topics is allowed. Examples of this include, but are not limited to: Discussions about modern sports. Discussions about modern music. Discussions about current events. Discussions about computers or gaming. Or discussions about any other modern-day topic." -and also- "Abbreviations, Internet Shorthand, "dude speak" and any other non-RP communications are not allowed on this server. If someone is using single words or abbreviations that break your roleplaying immersion, please use the /RPFilter command to filter those words into something that you consider more appropriate. In general, Mythic Customer Support will not take action on people using single non-RP words or abbreviations unless they violate another policy (vulgarity, zone disruption, harassment, etc...), or are intentionally trying to bypass the Roleplay filter. If someone is using multiple words or sentences that violate this policy, or if you encounter a situation where the /RPFilter does not work or is being bypassed; first ask the player to stop, if they continue, please appeal the violation and we will investigate fully and take appropriate action." We are committed, as we always have been, to enforcing these policies. If someone is speaking out of character in public channels, and when you ask them to stop they continue, PLEASE appeal them immediately and we will investigate the issue. We can neither guarantee how quickly we will be able to complete our investigation, NOR can we notify you of any action we may take against anyone who breaks the policy, but we will investigate and take action as warranted. BE AWARE, one of the new tools that we have put in place is the ability to Broadcast Banish an individual character. If we find that someone can not conduct themselves as a role-player in open channels, then one of the disciplinary actions that we will take is to remove their ability to use the broadcast channel. We may also warn, suspend, server ban, and account ban depending upon the severity of the violation and the history of violations on the account.


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Angry Viking
# Aug 12 2003 at 9:01 PM Rating: Default
What a bunch of ***-hats!!! Mythic doesn't want to take steps to control it, so they instead make anyone that wants to RP be responsible for the issue.

Wow, what Mythic could do is take that same technology and decide for us what we are going to see, so that we don't have to.

On top of that, it doesn't increase our ability to REALLY role play. *dances* Look at me!!! I am talking funny. That's role playing! Yep! Yep! Sure is!

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