The Cries of Alderaan Act 1: Codes

If you are interested in The cries of Alderaan stoty line, you can read the full story here and all the accompanying information to help you along in your search to solve the mystery. For those of you who like to open your DVD player and not read the instructions, here's a little tidbit:
    Story Objectives
  • Find and assemble encoded datadisks. Give to Faction Recruiter for large Faction Point reward and a Story Badge.
  • Help other members of your faction to accomplish the above goal. The Faction that accomplishes this tasks more times will get an advantage in next month's story arc.
  • Decrypt the encoded message. The first person to email the actual message to (email header must be "Cries of Alderaan code" and you must include your character name and galaxy) will win a special faction point bonus. One reward shall be granted per side. We will contact the winners by game mail to confirm the reward.


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Different Locations
# Aug 21 2003 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
I also recieved Imperial disk 4/4 doing destroy missions at anchorhead. Just found Imperial disk 3/4 off a swooper on Correlia between Kor Vella and the Rebel Outpost. Anyone know where to find the other 2?
None :P
# Aug 14 2003 at 10:30 AM Rating: Decent
As far as I know, those treasure maps have been in game the whole time...they were bugged, apparently now they suddenly, I don't know if they're part of the story or not
Data disks
# Aug 14 2003 at 9:10 AM Rating: Good
where would someone find these data disks? jsut from off the ground or off mobs? i found one off a spice fiend that led me to a "treasure" it was broken binoculars, a carbine barrel, one thing of copper and a sealed container... when iw as searching for it 2 thugs popped and attacked me (gave pos townsfolk faction and neg 70 thug faction) i took all these items out of the chect and picked the chest up also... after a few i relized that all i had left was the sealed container... dont know what happend to them but thats my experience with the encripted data disks =) im still looking for someone to open it tho =)

So, has anyone gotten them from other mobs or should i just kill all the spice fiends i can find =)
RE: Data disks
# Aug 17 2003 at 9:54 PM Rating: Default
They drop from Imp/Rebel mission mobs.. as a Rebel I need to get 4 disks from Imps. I'm currently based outside of Anchorhead, and have goten disk 4/4.. you need to combine all 4 disks to make any sense out of them, so it sounds to me like you found something totally different. I've done a bunch of missions since getting the first disk, and am currently supposing you need to go to different towns and/or planets to get the seperate intercepts. As a side note, an Imp I know tells me they only need to obtain 3 disks.. punks.
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