Fixes on Pendragon

There is a slew of minor fixes and tweaks that went live on the Pendragon test server in Version 1.64g just a little bit ago. You can read the full notes on the Camelot Herald, for now here is a snippet:
    - A healer will now be able to see how much they heal for when they cast a heal spell on pet. - All area affect procs on items will now correctly fire. - /webdisplay house will now cause your house to display on the herald. Default is display off. - There is a new "Hearth Bind Passage Medallion" that will port you to your house bind point at the portal locations. See the foundations section of the note for details. - /rpfilter now has a maximum of 75 entries. The playing community discovered many other uses for /rpfilter, so we have expanded the allowed number of entries to accomodate. - /ignore now has a maximum of 50 entries.


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