Andred Merge Beta Testers Needed

'Dred's merger news on the Camelot Herald:
    Read on for details! (EDIT: 5:40 PM EDT - Yikes. Guess you guys are excited about the merge, eh? The beta pool is now full. With any luck, we'll open the new command to everyone with an Andred character later this week or early next week. Thanks for applying!) The first stage of our Dred merger process is done, and now we need beta testers. The first fifty people with Andred characters they'd like to have copied over to Mordred who email me will be considered the beta pool. (EDIT: The pool is full, thanks!) To participate, you need to be willing to remain off your account for tomorrow morning (7 AM to noon EDT) while we verify the move, and to report any problems and bugs you might find afterwards. If you're cool with those two concepts, drop me a line ASAP! Be sure to use the header ANDRED MOVE, just so I can find you amidst all this freaking virus spam.


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