Wizard & Warden TL Report

Neill, Warden team lead, posted the 1.64 "Warden Report" over on his website, Neill's DAoC Stats Parser & Warden Information Site.
    Wardens are a highly desired class in RvR and PvE, but largely for a single passive ability (PBT). This leads Wardens to be perhaps the biggest "one trick pony" in all of DAoC. Beyond that one trick Wardens really offer very little to a group such that another class would not be a better choice.
Also, Therrik, Wizard team leader, has posted the "Wizard Report v1.64" on Camelot Vault's DAoCTL Reports forum:
    The theory behind Wizards is that their damage output should make up for their lack of utility. Unfortunately, this is not true. The damage that Wizards get does not make up for the things that they give up. Wizards are able to do the same damage as every other caster, but give up all of the utility spells (stun, mez, nearsight, debuffs, etc) to do only damage. While a Wizard should do the most damage of all the casters in the game, they can't. Realm Abilities, Spellcrafting, resists, and interrupts are reducing the Wizard's effectiveness to almost nothing in RvR. This is a major issue.


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