Sunday TL Reports

Sorcerer team leader, Omyz, posted the Sorcerer class "Sorcerer TL Report v1.64 - August 2003" on the Sorcerer message boards "The Academy of Sorcery."
    The Sorcerer is perceived as the primary crowd control class of their realm. They perform this function quite well in the PvE arena. Unfortunately, due to Realm Abilities such as Purge and Determination, spell resists, item resists, interrupts and cloth based armor, the true Sorcerer spends most of their RvR time face down speaking to the ants.
Runemaster team leader, Ragnarrthru, posted the v1.64 "Runemaster TL Report - August 2003" over on the Vault's DAoC TL Reports forum.
    Cloth casters seen as the primary threat in RvR situations actually suffer the most penalties in RvR, and though we remain the first ones killed, we no longer have the damage output to actually warrant this. Our damage output is reduced by massive amounts of resists, and as Runemasters, we only have one form of CC (root) which is readily Purged, we are finding ourselves unable to kill as effectively at range, and we're 100% vulnerable in close quartered combat.
Druid team leader, Ionait Artio, posted her "Druid Report 1.64 – August, 2003" over on the Hibernia's Druids EZBoard forums.
    Overall, Druids are a very playable class. Most issues are tweeks or problems shared by the other primary healing classes. Druids are, however kind of “flat” to play. Their one uniqueness, the pet, is unusable by the majority of druids out there due to the spec level caps. Druids also have none of the “fun”/active buffs like Celerity or Heal Procs.


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