Update on the Andred Move

Sanya posted the status of the Andred move over on the Camelot Herald:
    Just to keep you Andreders informed, here's the latest: As I told you last Friday, we copied over 178 characters using our Andred Mover and decided to wait out the weekend to make sure everyone was peachy. Well, everyone is peachy! So, this morning at 10:00 AM, we started moving an additional thousand characters. The process is not yet done, but we've seen a few failures due to typing errors. So, Andred people - check your name very, very carefully when you execute the /charpull command!
    If you typed the command over the weekend: Don't log into Mordred or Andred unless you are certain the copy has taken place. You can check by logging into the character selection screen - NOT the game, NOT quicklogin - and seeing what level your Mordred placeholder is. If it still says "level one," do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars, and definitely don't go any further. If you log in now, you may screw up the copy. We'll post to the Herald when this morning's batch is done if you want to be absolutely safe. We will run the command again tomorrow morning at 10:00 AM EDT, and there may be another batch this afternoon (watch this space for details). If you're an Andred player who has not already put yourself in line to move, please log into Mordred and type the command. After tomorrow's batch, we'll be closing the Andred server. Andred characters that aren't moved will still exist for a few more months (you'll be able to choose the server from the list and look at the character selection screen, but not log in), so you'll still be able to move characters for some time to come.


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