Alb & Mid RvR TL Reports

Squawk, Midgard RvR team leader, posted his "Midgard RvR Report - August" over on the Vault's DAoC TL Reports Forum:
    Midgard is generally capable of performing “on-par” in typical RvR conflicts on nearly every server. Carefully built “gank groups” excel in medium scale RvR while pickup groups often suffer from class availability and desirability issues. Active RvR population and makeup fluctuates wildly between servers, however, causing players on some servers to often feel frustrated and inferior on the many occasions when they are not able to perform as desired - while other players on more balanced servers are confident in their realm’s ability to compete in daily and long-term RvR.
Albion RvR team leader Kiamar posted the "Albion RvR Report - August 2003" over on Camelot Vault's Realm of Albion Forum:
    Albion is experiencing more difficulty in forming competitive RvR groups compared to the other realms. While Albion performs on a more equivalent level in large-scale conflicts, the realm fares more poorly in 8 vs. 8 battles due to a number of factors. The result is a large amount of frustration felt by lower realm-ranked Albion teams, pick-up groups and casual players.


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Class balances
# Aug 26 2003 at 9:05 AM Rating: Default
Cabbies have a pet that can cast... so not true
Class balance
# Aug 26 2003 at 8:37 AM Rating: Default
As a hibernian I often feel that our classes are week in comparision to the other realms. I can go out into rvr and get owned by another realm when its 8 on 8, and thats with rr5+ team mates. When complaining about the insta mez, i get mezzed or stunned more than our own insta ae mez can go off, our area roots suck, because you can still cast and hit while rooted. But i have to agree that the bonedancer is over powered as is the savage. I guess in the long run it comes down to team work. I know on the server i play on people are selfish and don't work as a team most of the time, which is a detriment to the game.
Class Balances
# Aug 26 2003 at 3:56 AM Rating: Default
The reason for the difficulty that Albions have is the groos imabalance of classes. The bonedancer is well, well overpowered and anyone who say different is a nut-case. More people are going over to Midgard because of the power they have. Albions dont have an insta mezz like the other 2 realms, Albions dont have pets that can nuke you as well as the owner at the same time. Tne game is fast becoming boring in rvr because of the imabalnce... but I guess Mythic know best... NOT!!!!!!
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