2 More TL Reports

Solice, Roleplay team leader, posted the "Roleplay Team Lead Report v1.64 August" over on the Vault'sRole-Playing Community Discussions forums.
    The Roleplay Community has received a breath of fresh air from the recent commitment and actions on the part of Mythic to address it’s concerns. The introduction of the /rpfilter has been met with, by majority, enthusiasm and gratitude. The opened lines of communication have resulted in less frustrations and more hope from our community. The quickness in which Mythic has responded has been a positive light to many of the communities concerns. Housing and the race specific invitations to homes have added to the roleplay experience, as has the ability to remove last names. Roleplayers feel more supported and heard now then ever before. THANK YOU!
Armsmen team leader Mors posted the "Team Lead Report 1.64" on his Meatshield.comforums.
    Armsman find themselves to be worthy contenders in PvE, but lacking in RvR. There are no discernable characteristics that would make the Armsman desirable in most optimal RvR groups. The ability to wear plate makes us a desirable class and gives one the sense that this is a combat ready melee class. From day one, we were the model for heavy tanks, though over time have slowly slipped behind the curve when it pertains to receiving new abilities, counter abilities, and other improvements that would essentially allow the Armsman to compete with other classes - other classes that have received new abilities either steadily throughout time or, in some cases, in over abundance in single updates.


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