Another Andred Update

Sanya posted "Another Andred Update" on the Camelot Herald:
    The sun is setting on Andred - we're taking him down in the next few minutes. The character selection screen will be down temporarily, but if you have yet to do the /charpull, fear not - we'll bring it back up today. You will not be able to log into the server, but you'll be able to look at the list of characters to see if you've got any left. Read on for more details: We're going to move the rest of the characters (that have made the /charpull request up to this point) later today. Andred people: log in to the Mordred character select screen, and see what level your placeholders are. If they are still level one, DO NOT log in. Wait until you see a note here on the Herald letting you know that the process is over for the day. Stay tuned!


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