ZAM's E3 interview with Jumpgate Evolution

In this video interview, Mike B. of ZAM's BFF Report checks out Jumpgate Evolution to talk about this unique ship-based MMORPG

As E3 came to a close just recently, more and more of our ZAM exclusive video interviews are now finishing up their preview polish and are ready to be viewed by all! This time we sat down with Jason from NetDevil to chat a little bit about Jumpgate Evolution, a ship-based MMORPG that's been long in the making. Most interestingly, the team announced that they had almost completely scrapped certain parts of Jumpgate Evolution because they wanted to make sure that the game was as good as they wanted it to be at launch. This is, obviously, a refreshing change from the normal rhetoric gamers are used to, about MMORPGs releasing early in order to meet specific demands or meet promises made to the community, and if you check out the interview, you can see just how much thought the team has put into this game. I'm definitely excited about this one, so check out the interview after the jump!


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