Bonus Experience in the Underfoot
A three-week long 20% boost to experience is on the way for all Underfoot zones. Here's the story from EQLive:
Greetings Norrathians!
We're excited to announce that from July 28 through August 18, we're going to give you a 20% boost to experience in all the Underfoot zones.
If you've been wanting to make that final push to level 85, but just haven't had the time or felt like your experience bar was crawling, now is the perfect time to show the Underfoot who's boss!
Perhaps you are at the level cap, but have some friends who are lagging behind. This is perfect time to help them catch up to you and experience all that Underfoot has to offer.
The Underfoot zones are:
Brell’s Rest
Brell’s Arena
Brell's Temple
The Convorteum
The Cooling Chamber
The Foundation
Fungal Forest
Kernagir, the Shining City
Lichen Creep
Pellucid Grotto
The Underquarry
Volska's Husk