Dark Age of Camelot Producer Posts Letter

Stuart Zissu addresses community following 1.106 patch.

Stuart Zissu posted a new Producer's Letter on the heels of yesterday's 1.106 patch. In it he touches on changes to come in regards to class balance and live events :

Since the beginning our community  has been very vocal about what they want for DAoC, and why they want it.  It's great to have such an active community that truly cares about the product and I wanted to take this opportunity to break away from the normal "Producer's Letter" and try respond to some of the feedback we get on a regular basis.

Class Balance: This is the number one feedback driver, bar none. We here everything from "That class can do X, why can't I?" and "My class can do X but that other class can do X so much better." to , "That class can do X and its sooooooo OP!" While it may seem as though I'm making light of feedback, we actually take what you say to heart. Players often point out very real concerns (such as or Nightshade DDs putting out more damage than intended, or that whole Left Axe thing…) even though on the surface it may seem like they're asking for an "I WIN" button. All the feedback is read and it's our job to dig down to the intent.

Something that is often overlooked by players submitting feedback is that, in DAoC, Classes are balanced with their Realm in mind and how they perform in a group setting. Another consideration is that Camelot doesn't feature direct mirror classes. While some Classes may share similarities, they each have subtle differences which result in them to playing differently and fulfilling different roles in a group. The beauty of Class balance in DAoC is in its diversity. If a handful of Classes can do everything just as well if not better than all the others, then why play any other Classes? The following question is directly from one of the emails of feedback I recently looked through: "Why is it my Classspell X's spell lasts for 30 seconds when class Y has the same spell which lasts indefinitely"... To put it succinctly,  while X's spell may last indefinitely, there's almost always something that Y wants of X's.

Live Events: On to the next bit of feedback, this one regarding the recent developer auction live event.  We've received lots of feedback about how people enjoyed the auction and that they really like their new "insert item here".  At the same time, we're aware of the issues that some players are experiencing with turning in their proxy cards to the Quartermasters. If you did not turn in your proxy card to the merchants during or shortly after the live event, rest assured that your proxy cards are not useless.  We're  working through an issue with the Quartermasters preventing them from properly accepting proxy cards from the event.  So hold onto those proxy cards. We expect to have the issue resolved shortly.

We've received a lot of feedback about the Live Events which boils down to, "Why don't you run these events when I can be there?  You always run them when I am at work/school/away/etc."  We appreciate that so many people want to be part of our live events and we have a lot of fun interacting with our players.  We try to run these events so everyone can participate, but unfortunately, we cannot run the developer portions for more than a few hours at a time.  When possible we try to have some portion of the event run continuously for multiple days, but despite our best efforts, some people miss the window.  We're continuously evaluating when the best times are to run events, to best allow as much of our community to join in on the fun as possible. 

In closing, thank you all for continuing to provide your feedback about the game. Your dedication to holding us accountable for the development of Camelot helps to inspire us to achieve more everyday.


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