The Cardooine Cough

Epidemic! The Cardooine Cough is spreading across Ahazi like wildfire! YOU may be contracting this disease! You may receive a message from another player that you have contracted the Cardooine Cough! If so, begin coughing! Go to this thread: and this page: to see how many people have it and register! Will all of Ahazi be affected? The Cardooine Cough has no cure...yet! Scientists at the University of Coronet Medical Center are frantically trying to find a cure, but this prion mutates on a scale of one hour or less. Bacta is useless, drugs are useless, and nothing seems to stem its extreme virulence! How did it happen? The Fashion Show and Halloween Costume Presentation in Maris Paradis was attacked by cowardly Drall insurgents today. Several bombs were thrown into the crowd, all laced with prion boosters containing the Cardooine Cough. Mayor Riis bal-Tannis and the model known as Lonestar were both the first confirmed cases. How does it spread? Cardooine Cough (CC) is an airborne-vectored prion, passed from the breathing organs of one being to another through the air. Luckily, the prion can only exist in virulent form for a short time outside of a host, so a direct cough seems to be necessary. What are it's symptoms? In most species, CC seems to cause a racking cough that can cause bleeding in the lungs. These coughs are generally spaced a minute or so apart. The disease has a 1% fatality rate in all species except Mon Calamari, which are more susceptible to secondary lung infection which can cause it to have a 10-15% fatality rate. In some Wookiees, vomiting can occur when the cough becomes more pronounced. Other symptoms include chest pain, soreness, headache, inability to concentrate, and minor bleeding of the lung tissue. Less than one in a million victims suffer seizures while affected by CC. This seems to be linked to latent "mystic" abilities. How can I protect myself? CC is spread through inhalation of the prions that cause the disease. Barriers of one micron or less seem to be effective in blocking passage of the prion. Composite helmets, Ubese helmets and Tusken helmets seem to be an effective barrier, though some cases have occurred in victims wearing these items. The simplest way to prevent contraction of the disease is to simply avoid those people with symptoms. What can I do to help? At this time, the University of Coronet Medical Center (UCMC) is maintaining a watch and has four research teams working on a cure. They believe within a week they can create a substance known as Prybacta Interferon which will confer immunity upon innoculants. UCMC will report what materials they will need to manufacture the Prybacta Interferon next week. Already 25 confirmed and unconfirmed cases of Cardooine Cough have occurred in a few short hours! Will you be next? RbT *cough* *cough*


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I caught the cough!
# Oct 09 2003 at 5:00 PM Rating: Default
I was in Bestine when a guy ran up to me and coughed at me, then sent me an email about this. This is so cool!

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