Launch Day Judgement for Trion Worlds' Rift

March 1 marked the official North America launch date for Trion Worlds' Rift. Did they take this opportunity to show the world how a real MMO launch is done?

Yesterday marked the official North American launch date of Trion Worlds' highly anticipated MMORPG, Rift, and I'll admit that I was waiting for those server opening times with a bit of trepidation. You see,  these days it seems that most MMO development teams deem launch day to be all about ironing out the kinks in your system, and many players have come to accept the plethora of technical problems that inevitably come with being a pioneer in their fantastical new game. Unfortunately, with so many highly polished MMOs already running the market, launching a wonky product can simply make players pine for the stability of their older staples. There have been a number of MMOs out there that have run into some really rough times, simply because they launched when they weren't ready. Thus, when I sat there waiting for my clock to roll over to 1 PM EST (server opening times), my fingers were crossed that Rift would set the new standard for an MMORPG launch.

In reality, Rift launched a week ago with the beginning of their 'head start' event, where players who preordered the game could get into it a week earlier. I ended up being busy on the first day of the head start event, but on the second day, when I was ready to go, almost all of the servers were full up, with queues that were predicted to last for up to six hours!  Of course, trust Trion Worlds to stay on top of their game and, in an impressive move of forward thinking, they quickly introduced a number of new servers in order to alleviate the overwhelming head start traffic. Amazingly, Trion has gone on to add another 31 servers for their opening day launch and, while I hope that this doesn't stretch Rift's population out too thin, if the head start numbers are an indication of the kind of popularity this game will build, my worries might very well be misplaced. Either way, I obviously went to a server with a more forgiving queue (Emberlord, PvP), and I was on my way, playing as a Defiant Saboteur. 

With regard to specific server stability within Rift, it seemed that most of the launch day servers were equally stable, although Trion Worlds did end up requiring a few thirty minute intervals of server downtime, to upgrade the stability of the game. It also seems that the team is really dedicated to polishing Rift as much as possible, as when they manage to slip in a small server downtime, I have often returned to my game to discover that Trion has made some small changes in addition to their server upgrades. I recall grumbling about one early quest being a little too specific to accomplish, and by the time the next server downtime rolled around (of which there were only a few), I was pleasantly surprised to discover that Trion Worlds had redefined the parameters of that quest to be much easier.

Of course, much of Rift's incredible launch day stability can also be attributed to the extensive closed and open beta tests that Trion Worlds ran in the months leading to their official launch, and these tests were probably instrumental in allowing Trion to prepare for what was to come. It's rather sad, however, when you consider that many other MMOs have run extensive closed and open beta testing periods, often these very same MMOs would be the ones having server stability issues and overcrowding problems.

At the end of it all, however, Rift's ultra-smooth opening day launch really just represents Trion Worlds' dedication to creating one of the best MMORPGs on the market. When you set yourself up to compete directly with World of Warcraft, it's obvious that there will be a lot of comparisons made and, if Trion can follow up on the strength of their launch day support, we might just have the next big thing on our hands. Either way, tune in next week to get some of our early game play impressions for Rift!


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"Oh a moron!"
# Mar 06 2011 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent
Klarum is clearly the MOST intelligent person posting here. Just as I have now become the most sarcastic lol.
# Mar 05 2011 at 10:36 PM Rating: Decent
Not bad, love seeing all the WoW fanboys here though, should remove WoW news from the frontpage imo.
I left wow no regrets for my tons of max lv toons
# Mar 04 2011 at 11:11 PM Rating: Decent
I played wow form day 1, did all the raids it gave, all the crafting but once expansions came it was all the same but easier. Even when raids made it to live you already had a strat to beat them, it was like watching tv, get a remote and push some buttons to watch what you want. I tried every P2P game that launched and enjoyed then for a few days and then just hoped on wow about 1 month after for 3 days maybe and do what new content came. I have 19 wow characters and id hardly call them my babies If i can play a game that looks better, lets me play with pugs in a enjoyable way and most of all make new friends then by all means wow is done for, this is what rift has done for me with is raids out of the blue uniting the whole server in the area to defeat them because they impose on your questing, the removal of having tons of alts (1 calling can have all its souls) no more i cant have a group cause im only dps, it has many things over wow and its just launching which has been one of the smoothest ever. I wont miss my wow toons if i did then id miss my nexus toon which i spent 10 years on. wow is just a game to pass the time if you feel something for your character or think the achievements you did in it mean something special id go see a doctor because these games are for entertainment not for a feeling of being someone in life. You play a new game which is better and get back what you had in the old game. Only thing i see that can keep you in a game is friends, but in logical sense RIFT is better than wow in so many aspects and objectives not to mention dynamic that if groups of friends move together your wow toons wont matter at all its the memories with friends that have some value and not what was actually accomplished.
Time is of the essence
# Mar 04 2011 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
Ultimately, it's impossible to create an MMO that will compete with WoW now. This is for one very real reason: Time.

The long-term WoW players (myself included) will find it very, very difficult to stay in Rift or completely move to any other MMO. The hours, days, weeks, months and years we have poured into WoW will be impossible to give up - our toons are our babies. Their achievements are our accomplishments.

I enjoy Rift a lot. I haven't logged into WoW for the last 2 weeks, as I am just focussing on the awesomeness that is Rift. But I know it won't last forever.

WoW will pull me back eventually once this fleeting whirlwind affair comes to its rabbit-boiling end.
It's been a long time...
# Mar 03 2011 at 10:30 PM Rating: Good
but Rift has finally delivered an MMO that lifts the curse of the last 6-7 years.

A good launch, great populations of gamers and a game that gets more deep and interesting the longer you play it.

I think there are a lot of people out there who gave Rift a half-hearted try and barely got out of the tutorial area before declaring Rift is "this, that or the other thing". Well, it's their loss. Most gamers will see the value of what Trion has given us.

For the first time in years I am able to PvE and PvP and Craft in a game with out 2 of those 3 being utter crap. So far, so good.

So, unless the end game is a complete disaster, we have ourselves a winner here and some measure of competition in the MMO market.
not impressed
# Mar 03 2011 at 1:19 PM Rating: Default
Yes they have a great technical system/team running this thing with great quality.
Once that is said the quests are horribly boring and repetitive, and as soon as people have gone through the "oh a rift!" emotion for the 100th time it becomes just another WOW copycat and will move on to fan play only like LOTRO and WAR...
not impressed
# Mar 04 2011 at 6:41 PM Rating: Decent
Klarum wrote:
Yes they have a great technical system/team running this thing with great quality.
Once that is said the quests are horribly boring and repetitive, and as soon as people have gone through the "oh a rift!" emotion for the 100th time it becomes just another WOW copycat and will move on to fan play only like LOTRO and WAR...

Your post actually annoyed me enough to register JUST to reply. Have you even played Vanilla WoW? Or WoW at all for that matter? Ever been to Westfall? I played WoW from day one untill Rift beta. So I'm in a massively impressive position to give an opinion on the calibur of quests that both games have on offer.

And heres the thing, they are the same. Just like every other RPG in the universe. Please explain how you got from lvl1 to level60/70/80/85 without questing, because that is clearly what you would have had to have done f you think WoW is amazingly non-linear in its quest path compared to Rift.

I've played them both and to me you sound like someone who wants to leave WoW but just keeps getting called bac to it then insulting whatever game they 'tried'

Sorry for the rant, but these posts are pissing me off. Sick of people who joined in Wrath and TBC talking like they know anything. Ask any Vanilla player about the easy stages of game and trying to get around in Org. It was so bad for my friend that I had to auction and buy stuff for him cause he couldnt move in the place.

And don't confuse me for a Rift fanboy. I played WoW from day 1 until recently, its an amazing game I'm just finished with it now and really enjoying the challenges in Rift.
# Mar 03 2011 at 12:19 AM Rating: Good
Impressive, most impressive!
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