Rift's Guild Contest Offers 25-Use Free Trial Key

Trion Worlds is kicking off a new Guild Spotlight program to showcase stories from guilds, and the team is celebrating by giving away a 25-use free trial key for Rift! To enter, all a guild leader needs to do is submit a brief summary of their guilds’ history, mission, or any experiences that help highlight the spirit of the members.

Winners will receive the 25-use key to share with guildmates and friends so they can visit the world of Telara during a free preview event. Noteworthy stories will be published from time to time, so it's worth entering just to share your tale.

As far as that free preview event is concerned, Trion will be announcing more details about it in the near future. The team will also be sharing other ways for players to get their friends involved in Rift, so keep an eye out for more details.

Tags: News, RIFT


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