Mobile Authenticator Launches for Android Devices

UPDATE: Once you add the authenticator to your account, you will receive the title "the Ironclad" via the in-game mailbox.

Rift's Mobile Authenticator for Android devices has officially arrived! The authenticator is now available as a free download in the Android Marketplace and adds another layer of security to your account.

For all you iPhone users, Trion Worlds is currently finalizing a version of the authenticator for Apple devices running iOS 3.0 or higher. The team hopes to release additional versions for other platforms and devices in the future. In a recent interview, Executive Producer Scott Hartsman told us that "the goal is to make sure it works on any phone. If you can receive a text message or receive an e-mail, you can use it."

The Android authenticator arrives just in time for today's launch of Update 1.1 and the River of Souls worldwide dynamic event. Check out our interview with Hartsman for more details on the event.

Tags: News, RIFT


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