Developers Discuss World Event Phases in IRC Chat

Today's Rift IRC chat just ended and the team over at RiftIRC has posted the transcript. Andrew Krausnick and Will Cook from Trion's world events and rift team were the special guests, and they gave players a lot of details on the River of Souls world event that's currently under way. Here are the highlights:

  • Phase 2 of the event will begin tomorrow, April 9, at noon PDT. "I would recommend being there on time, this phase will take a different form than the current one," Krausnick said.
  • Phase 2 will last until players beat it. Krausnick said it will likely last a matter of hours.
  • Players of all levels will be able to participate in Phase 2.
  • Players will receive messages tomorrow telling them where they should go for Phase 2. Cook said that for the bulk of the phase you can pick any zone and you won't be wrong.
  • Much of the content you'll see in Phase 2 and Phase 3 is one-time only.
  • When asked if Phase 3 will begin right after Phase 2, Cook said, "Phases without specified date/times will often chain after the preceding phase based on player actions/participation in that preceding phase."
  • Here is Cook's description of Phase 3: "Once you complete it the raid instance River of Souls will become unlocked - but you'll have to go through Alsbeth's reanimated minions to do it!"
  • The weapons cache will be "very available" tomorrow.
  • No more items will be added to the world event vendor. However, consumables will likely be added in the future to help you burn through excess currency.
  • Future events will use different currency, so you can sell or get rid of currency you don't spend.

If possible, it sounds like you should plan to log into the game tomorrow at noon PDT. If you'd like to participate in Phase 2 of the event for free, grab one of our Rift free trial keys and dive into Telara!

Tags: News, RIFT


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