Trion Asks for Rift GM Feedback

UPDATE: Executive Producer Scott Hartsman has written a letter to the community regarding customer service feedback and RP server names.

If you'd like to submit positive or negative GM feedback, Trion Worlds has set up a new e-mail address specifically for that purpose. You can now send a message to if you feel as though your issue was mishandled or that you have received exceptional service.

In-Game Support Manager GM Giant also made a few points to keep in mind when contacting a GM:

  • Our naming policy is the same on an RP server as it is on every other server. We have a very liberal naming policy so unless a name is grossly offensive it will likely not need to be changed.
  • The only reply that you will ever receive when reporting another player is one letting you know that we are investigating the issue.
  • In general, unless they are preventing you from progressing in the game, we will not complete or advance a quest for you.
  • YOU are responsible for your account. If your "little brother" (It's always the little brother!) gets on your account and can't play well enough not to get reported as a potential bot in warfronts or can't control themselves enough not to be racially offensive you and your account will be held responsible.
  • We will not correct items accidentally purchased off of the auction house.

What type of feedback do you have from your GM experiences?

Tags: News, RIFT


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