Create a Colossus in deviantART's Rift Contest

Trion Worlds has teamed up with deviantART to challenge artists to create their own Rift colossus, and the prizes should definitely entice creative players to enter the contest. All you need to do is design a massive colossus based on one of the six planar themes and you could win the following list of prizes:

  • $1,500 Cash Prize (USD)
  • Wacom Intuos4 Medium Tablet
  • 8,000 deviantART Points
  • dA PRO Digital Artist's Backpack
  • deviantWEAR Hoodie of the Winner's Choice
  • 1 Year Premium Membership to deviantART

As far as judging is concerned, 25 semi-finalists will be selected by the deviantART staff, and the final three winners will be selected by Trion's creative team! Also, all semi-finalists will receive a free copy of Rift and a 3-month premium membership to deviantART.

You have until June 19 to submit your colossus creation. Good luck!

Tags: News, RIFT


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