Some More Jedi Speculation and Information

First off I want the congratulate my servers first Jedi, Eiwavo. WTG! Jedi success is still a mystery and even though the developers stated more than once, every Jedi process will be unique, we still try to figure out the path we need to take to get there. Since I will not be getting Jedi, I am more a crafter type, I have to rely on the information that flows in from users like Almighty Sandwich. Who, btw has supplied me with more information than I know what to do with. (of course I will take more) The following is what he did to get his Force Sensitive Slot, read it and hope you can gleen some useful information from it. After you read that you can go here and discuss the theories further, or post after the story. You can also view a video of the first Jedi at this link Almighty Sandwich has done: Rebel theme park. Jedi missions. half of Jabba palace missions only needed to use 1 holocron. 2nd holocron was silent. had to master squad leader. But found 3 total holocrons, 1st was Sith, next 2 were jedi. all came from dark troopers on naboo Started as human male marksman in eisley first skill mastered was artisan. then armorsmith, marksman, heavy swordsman, then used holocron and it said squad leader. so i mastered squad leader,then medic, then scout. I've dabbled into pistoleer 0041, smuggler 0404, tailor 0200, CH 4404, commando 1030, BH 0123, entertainer 4400, brawler 4040, doctor 0440, merchant 0000 I unlocked while killing theives in mos eisley, raising heavy weapons exp for BH which is my current skill. 6 badges. the monthly ones, intellect and the badge for 5 badges never completed maurauder missions, never even started or seen them. hardly ever on endor. been to most cities, not all. unlocked approx 9am pacific time on the 8th. was a rebel, about the 4th rank from the bottom. placed a house within the 1st week of the game opening in mos eisley. sold thousands of armor pieces. moved my shop to another spot in eisley. then removed houses and had a friend place a guild hall which i used as my shop. ive placed tons of harvesters and like 5 factories. placed a rebel safe house, then the TEF system changed, so on the 7th, i moved my rebel safe house and used it as storage. the next day i unlocked. havent done many missions from random npcs. last one i did was the same morning i unlocked, it was in either entha espa or eisley i forget, i had to kill jawas, then my prize was "a helmet worn by anakin" but it is just "a helmet" like the one from the rebel themepark. ive been to the tusken fort a billion times and killed a billion tuskens... ive been to a few of the special places (like obi-wan's hutt, lars moisutre farm etc) but not nearly all of them. my advice is to just do as much content as possible, if you can do it, do it... i mostly just focused on skills, i got bored with skills and picked up new ones. my current goal was to try and master BH until i get my fscs, i was mainly focused on pvping for the past week. I didnt get the "you have unlocked yadda yadda" message, or i didnt see it, my girlfriend came over and made me log out, so i said try to make a character on flurry for me, just to see if i got fscs, next thing i knew, i seen this: i kicked my gf off the computer and started makin my character, she plays on my account with her character on naritus, so she knows the importance of this heh... took 20 minutes choosing a name, ended up just using the random generator... logged in, i started as a covert rebel with some tools that i think can be seen in the sshots. the main jedi problems are: NO TERRAIN NEGOTIATION! out running peopel is difficult unless i am on flat terrain. and i have a weak burst run, so others can catch up easily. getting forcerun 1 takes 50,000 jedi experience which is ALOT! especially since I am spending them on Basic Heal 1 and 2 so i can heal myself. (Jedi cannot use stim packs and cant heal themselves unless they are at least 0100 which costs 20,000 jedi experience). Another problem: I use my saber with friends and kill a bunch of animals. then i switch to a different weapon or take it off so not to call attention to myself. My friends still see the saber art in my hand. Looks like i am holding a saber AND a gun at the same time. Very annoying problem: I turned my title off and play. then log out. when i log back in, my title turned itself back on. this is because of a bug(?) that doesnt allow people to have no title. Unfortunately, i discovered this on accident after logging into the anchorhead tavern.. a few people saw me but they were friends.. hopefully they can keep it quiet. Also, I am hearing news about BHs getting to accept missions to track down and kill jedi? If this is true, then i can never go afk, even if i dont have a TEF. This means i have to log out.. which means i have to log in.. which means my title will show. Logging out in the middle of nowhere can be dangerous and i could die while logging back in (all it takes is a creature with a ranged attack. it appears saber block does not work). But probably the most dissapointing thing was: The day i unlocked, i only got to play for 45mins-1hour because my gf was here and she wouldnt let me play... :( If anyone wants to post this on the jedi forum on the swg site then go ahead. I am perma banned for being too smart, otherwise i would post it. May the fork be with you


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Pane Doe
# Dec 28 2003 at 7:14 PM Rating: Default
feed me the clearing
all you fools need to get a woman... or man
# Nov 25 2003 at 3:46 AM Rating: Default
Not the First
# Nov 18 2003 at 3:12 PM Rating: Default
If this was on Radiant...he wasn't the first jedi.

The first jedi has thought better of posting on the forums.
Flaky info....
# Nov 18 2003 at 12:06 PM Rating: Default
Hmmm, I think this is a little flaky...Re-read the post.

Says he knows exactly when it unlocked (date and time), but he didn't know it unlocked till his girlfriend wanted to use the account and they tried to make another character on the server...also he states it unlocked while killing thieves near Mos Eisley.

Some of this stuff doesn't look right....
# Nov 18 2003 at 3:24 AM Rating: Default
I doubt he really has a jedi character... he's too busy crawling around the ah tavern on the floor to have ever done ANYTHING to unlock his fs slot. I want proof

# Nov 17 2003 at 9:08 PM Rating: Default
That was hilarious, like the end of the world SWF and the Weeeeee Squirrel, or the scene about the boyfriend in europe on rules of attraction. lol

BTW: Congrats

p.s. i hope she made it worth it:)
# Nov 16 2003 at 10:14 PM Rating: Default
Gratz there, jedi sounds awesome. But ima little confused. Does the holocron like beep er sumthing? Also are the dark troopers strong?
# Nov 16 2003 at 5:36 PM Rating: Default
you know what else would be funny if they where deleting his acount they acidently deleted yours that what be super funny
# Nov 16 2003 at 3:57 AM Rating: Default
what is with this banned from official website? what are these guys trying to hide?? this makes me take a step back since i read it more than once from intelligent people. i enjoy the game a great deal now but i don't want to play a game thats flawed. no i take that back i wouldn't mind playing a game thats flawed that has a lot of fun aspects of the game, BUT I REFUSE TO PAY MONTHLY FEES FOR NEGLIGENCE!
# Nov 15 2003 at 9:53 PM Rating: Default
to the guy that told him not to complain. he wasnt he was stating the bugs not complaing im sure this guy is freaking happy as anything gl man keep it up
#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 15 2003 at 8:47 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I can only say this. YOU'RE A FREAKIN' JEDI!!!!!!! Problems will be fixed and you will still be a jedi. Be patient. You've basically got what most people bought the game to get. Please don't complain.
Title Problem
# Nov 15 2003 at 5:24 PM Rating: Decent
Congrats on the FSCS. My friend had the same problem with the title and called the help desk. They told him to run a Full Scan from the launch pad, and whenever he logs out to sit and type /logout. It solved the problem for him.
# Nov 15 2003 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
Congratulations! But i wonder if as soon as they realise someone who is perma banned has a jedi character, they will deleate it :P now that would be funny
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