Camelot Launch Successful

I thought I would take a moment to congratulate Mythic on what is looking like a very successful launch of their game. All of the servers have been up and running. Despite loads of people in the newbie areas, lag has been low and managable, and non-existant once you leave the most crowded areas. Nobody seems to have had trouble loading the game or activating their account. And the game is loads of fun -- I'm suddenly getting a lot less sleep that I used to. Kudos to Mythic. Let's hope they have set a new standard that future gaming companys feel compelled to follow.


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I agree, nice job Mythic
# Oct 15 2001 at 2:42 PM Rating: Decent
There are always faults to be found with anything....and always somebody to bring them to our attention. For me, the start of this game was wonderful. Compared to AO, it was the difference between heaven and hell. To coin a phrase from NBA Basketball, "I love this game". I also like how you get the first month free, (as other games like this have done) but also didn't have to enter in payment info yet. Lets you get right on. I suppose as the month nears its end, I'll have to enter the credit card info...and I will. Now back to the game...
RE: I agree, nice job Mythic
# Oct 15 2001 at 5:04 PM Rating: Good
I think the launch was great. Myself and a bud did get stuck in two different places and customer support was very quick. I am playing on a Roleplaying server and there has been a bit too much OOC broadcast chatter, but not enough to make you pull your hair out. A couple of my friends are having video card problems, mainly because they need to upgrade, but they are still enjoying the game. Only other real "buggies" I have seen have had to do with the chat interface. I think alot of EQ players are having a bit of a time getting used to it as well.
Anyway, GREAT job, keep up the good work.
definatly some bugs
# Oct 15 2001 at 2:18 AM Rating: Default
Falling through the world still happens alot, noteably wile in camelot, tehre are several holes that you can fall into and end u at your bind point. pissed me off first time it hapend to me because i was ound up at snowdonia! one hole is right next to the armorsmith master just fyi. another thing is several people, including myself, arn't able to log in as our main characters. the only thing we seem to have in commen is that we all camped in camelot... sent /appeals and e-mails to techsuport over 10 hours ago no responce yet. Other thing is the lack of social interaction. I like being able to amke coments to otehr people in teh area in EQ and with there was a way to yell in world zones in daoc too.

My thoughts,
Goragg gibcarver
(both bristlebane EQ and galahad daoc)
# Oct 14 2001 at 3:43 AM Rating: Default
Well I wouldn't go quite so far as to outright clal the launch successful.

Slow customer service.
Updates on Group Windows not fast enough
Unitemized dungeons
Ladders not in
Quite a few quest bugs
Monster Tuning Thrown off by recent changes

Good things:
Game is playeable (and really really fun)
No bandwidth problems (ala EQ)
No server capacity problems (ala UO)
The above problems will probably be fixed soon.

Anyhow, I'm barely sleeping. Level 22 now, gotta keep going...

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