Tuesday January 17, 2012

DAoC Update

Thank you ThomasU for sending in the image for Midgards spiffy Hallowed Night Ward shield!

New Albion Mobs: Crawling Death (Alb)Crawling Corpse Baestegor the ConjurerFlaudinScholar NenetIrrantMistress MelenesTolenceBrother ClalisConsul OrrusinLethantis Guard EmilyMa'ireLady CallaEdius

Updated Albion Items: Emerald Spined BracerWeno'iak's RingRing of the Holy HarvestBrushed Velvet BootsResplendent Brushed Velvet TunicBrushed Velvet GlovesBrushed Velvet LeggingsElegant Brushed Velvet TunicExquisite Brushed Velvet TunicTarbooshJester HatWoodsman's CapCrown PatternIron Plated War CrownFine Alloy Plated War CrownMithril Plated War CrownSteel Plated War CrownBronze Plated War CrownAlloy Plated War CrownIron Light War CrownFine Alloy Light War CrownMithril Light War CrownSteel Light War CrownAlloy Light War CrownBronze Light War CrownBronze Spiked CrownAlloy Spiked CrownFine Alloy Spiked CrownMithril Spiked CrownIron Spiked CrownSteel Spiked CrownRigid Suede CrownRawhide Suede CrownTanned Suede CrownEmbossed Suede CrownHard Suede CrownCured Suede CrownWoolen Quilted CrownSylvan Quilted CrownSilk Quilted CrownBrocade Quilted CrownGossamer Quilted CrownLinen Quilted CrownWoolen Quilted Pointed Steeple HatLinen Quilted Pointed Steeple HatBrocade Quilted Pointed Steeple HatSilk Quilted Pointed Steeple HatGossamer Quilted Pointed Steeple Hat
Updated Midgard Items: Horned Silksteel RingAgile DefenderHjalmar's QuiverBone Shard HelmBright Malefic Studded BootsWiseman CloakPrey Stalker CloakJewel of the DeceiverWretched CloakHallowed Night Ward

Updated Hibernia Items: Belt of the Forest-StalkerMalevolent Darkspire Mercurial BeadsArd Airm CriosFomorian Gentarn Protection BracerQuixotic Quarry RingScratch's Pulsating RingScoundrel's RingAristocratic GemMagius Cloak
Updated All Items: Sliver of Queen Kula's HeartCharon's ObolusKelp Covered BeltBottomless DyepotMino SteakSulphurous Fiend GemMagic GimbalFiligree Antalya RingQuillBlank Scroll (item)Rolling PinA Rusty KeyPointed Steeple Hat Pattern

Updated Albion Mobs: Magus CrystolosLoretta EgesaOressaMaster ArbaedesSleriaMairi RalildenOlorustosMagess AxtonMagus SacynAlbion Vault KeeperMinstrel of AlbionMaster Qilith


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