Exploiters Beware!

Blair announced today that exploiters will be caught and dealt with. You can read his post here or read it below. Feel free to leave your comments.
    Greetings… Yesterday evening we banned over 50 people for utilizing a game breaking exploit. We typically don’t update the patch notes the exact day we fix exploits, but add logging to determine who the offenders are and how often they cheat so we can take the appropriate action. This will continue to be our policy going forward. Our goal is a fair, fun game for all players. Cheaters of any kind will not be tolerated, and quickly banned. Thanks! Blair Producer


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I can believe it
# Jan 20 2004 at 9:48 PM Rating: Default
i am one of the smugglers falsely accused.
all im going to say that in light of the conspiracy theory, i might push to sue sony

u can see my full story if u want at swgwarcy, under general discussion, under "I need yur help"
(if u cant find the site do a google search on "swg warcry"- it should be right there)
where do you draw the line?
# Jan 10 2004 at 7:17 PM Rating: Decent
a theory of why some smugglers have been banned is that they were unknowingly tricked into performing this exploit. when the developers found out about the problem, they had fixed it so you were not able to slice the item multiple times, but you were able to still and attempt the exploit. they added logging so they could catch those who were still attempting the exploit. but how could they possibly differentiate those who were tricked into this exploit or not?

if they had fixed this bug, why did they still leave the option of even attempting the exploit? yes, it's very obvious that they wanted to send a strong message across to everybody: cheat and you will be banned. however, their practice of fixing a problem yet still leaving the option in-game to attempt this bug, with the now added logging is a very dirty tactic to catch these players.

innocent people have been banned. the truth will be revealed, whether SOE will admit to it or not.
# Jan 10 2004 at 6:34 PM Rating: Default
In a move the rivals the JFK assassination, SWG Developers would have you believe that 4 to 5 Dozen Smugglers were using an exploit. Developers called them cheaters, had their accounts banned then they hide behind a force field in which they don’t have to show any accountability or answer any inquires.

I heard from a worker on the inside, SWG databases were a bit corrupted. Identical item ‘types’ were mixed with identical items; If a smuggler sliced 5 Vibro Knucklers; SWG was reporting that a Vibro Knuckler was sliced 5 times. There is a big difference between the two. In the end, someone on the SWG Development team made a rash decision without examining the problem and as a result multiple servers lost innocent Smuggler players.

Over 45 people reported the same story, SWG never produced any God-like armor or weapons and will not admit they messed up. When the error was reported to SWG, they swept it under the rug; It was easier then admitting to a mistake and apologizing to fifty people.
# Jan 08 2004 at 7:21 PM Rating: Default
Cheaters of any kind will not be tolerated, and quickly banned.

there are many exploits used every day by many people. the list is huge. faction pet duping, free vehicle repairs, item duping, viewing people's inventory, covert base shutdown, shooting turrets out of range, even the tef system. why aren't all of these "cheaters" banned yet?
Too much Drama
# Jan 08 2004 at 12:34 AM Rating: Default
We all pretty much know what is and isn't an Exploit so "Bleed Shot Guy".. please log off and take a break.. your getting way too worked up about this.

The only thing I am worried about is that after a couple weeks they will let these people they banned back on. They have pretty much had that "Policy" in the past too.. Ban someone only to unban then in 30days or less. A lot of them are the repeat offenders.. I know of one person who flattly will tell you that he has been banned twice and after 30 days his account is "Unlocked" so he can just log back on and do what he wants till he is caught again.

Many of them do it on purpose too, having Online forums that they share their Exploits and get paid to post valid exploits.

It's pretty rough being a good player and getting called a cheat when you best them, because everyone sees others cheating, or even worse being beat'n time and time again becuase people feel like they can cheat too if "Everyone else is doing it"

At any rate.. Fix the GCW, PERMA-BAN the Exploiters, and Let the Trash Talking and Drama go.. its a game.
the exploit was
# Jan 07 2004 at 8:49 PM Rating: Default
The exploit was multiple slices on items by multiple smugglers.
What exploits?
# Jan 07 2004 at 8:26 PM Rating: Default
Is there a difference between tactics and exploits to SONY?

example: Bleed shoting/hitting a beastie then running like a coward to your house porch and watching it bleed to 1hp, the killing it at your leisure... ive been told ingame by players thats an exploit.

I call it a tactic. Whats the difference between that and feighning death after bleeding somthing? Are smugglers who use their abilities exploiters too?

Is sony gonna ban me for clearing pickets out of my front yard?

If they do the can eat gnort poo.
sides... warhamer online is gonna rock the socks off this game.
# Jan 07 2004 at 5:42 PM Rating: Default
I cant access that page here at work. What were the exploits? who was caught? what server? if they even said.

gl hf
# Jan 07 2004 at 5:41 PM Rating: Default
I cant access that page here at work. What were the exploits? who was caught? what server? if they even said.

gl hf
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