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Woohoo colored armor! (for a limited time only*) hehe
    8 January 2004 Update notes:
  • Armor: Added an option to Composite armor pieces such that players can select the color of their armor. This works around a problem we introduced before the holidays where we inadvertently re-colored all pieces of composite armor. This option will exist only for the next 2 weeks. Some players placed vendor bags with large volumes on a vendor. Because of the number of items, player's could not retrieve the bags once placed. Owners of vendor bags temporarily have the ability to retrieve the bag from the vendor.
  • Bio-Engineer/Pets: Added additional checks for invalid pets. Players will no longer be able to call invalid pets from the Datapad.
  • Bio-Engineer: Fixed a problem with Bio Engineer creature cloning that allowed extremely overpowered low-level pets.
  • Named rancors in the Singing Mountain Clan are now invulnerable and decorative as they should be.


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koo koo ka chooo
# Jan 08 2004 at 11:13 PM Rating: Decent
I think its kinda lame that ppl who bought BE pets without knowing that they were gonna be invalid in short time have now wasted thousands of credits. I could really care about the cat i bought it was only 12k but i honestly had no idea it was gonna get nerfed. I can make 6 times that much in a day on missions and i can more cats on my own. I just think that a better system could have been utilized of informing customers that you should beware of what your buying because we may take it away from you. And if somebody refers to read the sony forums for information like this, I beg of you not too. Those forums are a out of control monster bent on conquest of the world. Tho on a brighter sider alowing us to change the armor color is freakin sweet, I think that little system should be available at purchase or the kit idea would be kewl too. I saw a sweet fem twilek in the cantina tonight she had blueish skin with pink marker and her armor was black and pink too. I almost nevermind.
RE: koo koo ka chooo
# Jan 12 2004 at 10:03 AM Rating: Decent
I can pull my level 12 gurreck with 6k ham once again.
Oh boy.
# Jan 08 2004 at 4:34 PM Rating: Decent
48 posts
I'm not BE but they are all screaming at the ferocity the NERF bat was swung with this time around.

You should hear them kicking and screaming.

I'm for anything that evens up the sides. ;)
# Jan 08 2004 at 3:59 PM Rating: Decent
the armor thing really helped. now its all perty.
# Jan 08 2004 at 3:19 PM Rating: Default
I was debating yesterday if I should put in a ticket on the Armor Color.. only problem now is going to be going through all my armor and changing the colors back.
They should do like the Droid Engineers any, and let the Armorsmiths make Armor Customization kits to change the color of peoples armor after sale.
woohoo - doh
# Jan 08 2004 at 1:55 PM Rating: Default
Yes i can now fix my 2 sets of beautiful armor.
doh i cant pull my lvl 0, difficulty 50 rancor anymore =( oh well.
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