MvP (MLG vs Proleague) Day Three

A round up of all the Starcraft II action from the third day of competition

Series III - MC P vs Sos P

Game  I
The world most successful Protoss, MC,  finally shows up in the MvP Invitational versus a fellow Protoss Sos on Metropolis.

MC opens with a later robotics facility after feigning a four gate with his nexus crono saved up, while Sos goes for blink tech.
With MC feeling confident that Sos is focusing on defending a possible four gate he takes a fast expansion.
Sos then gears up for a funky warp prism blink timing that is focused on force fielding the top of ramp as he lures the army of MC down the ramp and then blink into the main base.
However Sos messes up his control drastically, his force field is misplaced on the ramp by one block and his army misses the blink.
With three immortals out for MC and missed control from Sos he was quick to drop a GG.

Game II
After a shatteringly short first game can Sos regain his composure and take a game from MC in the field of Entombed Valley.

After his metagaming of feigning the four gate in the first game, MC then turns this on its head and goes for a three gate warpgate rush.
Sos gets a world of bad luck when he traps his initial sentry in amongst his buildings.
MC sees this and throws down three pylons around the base of Sos. A quick GG comes out from Sos giving MC the final game.




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