February 21, 2004

Here's a sort of mini-update. Some of the chef recipes are still wrong and I hope to have those done tomorrow. I am taking off on Monday -- cable guy coming, dryer guy coming, and taking kitty to vet! So be sure and come by tomorrow to see what I have for you. New Quests: Jilljoo No. 3

Updated Quests: Shellfish Harvesting Tool Schematic (Rakir No. 4)Surveillance Holo (Biribas No. 1)Stolen Goods (Kavas No. 1)Escort the Deranged Stormtrooper (Harburik No. 3)Arrest Noda Lava (Harburik No. 4)Runaway Slave (Jilljoo No. 1)Save Sadelli's Sister (Jilljoo No. 2)

Updated Cities: Jawa Mountain Fortress

New and Updated Abilities: Ithorian MistGralinyn JuiceCaskScrimpiDeuterium-pyroTrimpianHavlaCorellian BrandyVeronian Berry WineVehicle Customization KitKarkan RibenesDurindfireShellfish Harvesting ToolCorellian AleAccarragmBlue MilkGarrmorlVegeparsineSmall GlassTerrattaRakririan Burnout SauceLarge GlassBarrel (chef)Gruuvan Shaal

New and Updated Locations: Morn IthilFar's Shop of Stuff and StimsKerencorinth

New and Updated Mobs: Ancient GraulSavage QuenkerBlood-drenched Merek King


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