More Newsies!

A few new bits for you, and yesterday's patch notes I didn't get to post up. Most interesting is that Scavenger Hunt, and since it is posted on the SOE boards, I copied over the information for you. So, if one of you peeps is a lucky winner, send me the info so we can share it with everyone!
  • KWIP IS BACK! Read more about "his force" here.
  • Get ready for a Scavenger Hunt (see quote below) this weekend. Reward will be a special decoration for your player city. Details coming here on Friday Feb 27th.
    Friday we will officially announce our first “City Decoration Scavenger Hunt”. Details will be revealed in the Friday Feature but we wanted to give a little advance notice so those that want to organize scavenger groups would have some time to do so. How will it work? On Friday afternoon the Event Team will hand place items on at least four different planets per server. These items will be in different places on each server. The first person from each server to submit the exact waypoints of four of these items via in-game email (the address will be released Friday) will be eligible to have one of three static decorations placed at their city. Be sure to read the Friday Feature closely, as incomplete or inaccurate entries will not be counted. While not everyone is part of a city, everyone has the opportunity to benefit from this contest. We expect a number of intrepid explorers to make a small profit selling the waypoints to these items (just be sure to verify them before you hand over any credits). If you are collecting waypoints, be sure to keep them between you and your trusted citizen friends, as only one city per server will receive the prize. Good luck! Jason "Pex" Ryan SWG Events Manager
  • Update Notes: 26 Feb 04
    • Geonosian Bunker: Fixed a bug that prevented players from getting their pets past the first room of the bunker
    • Geonosian Bunker: Fixed a bug preventing creatures from leaving the Geonosian bunker while in combat.
    • Geonosian Bunker: Increased the spawn time for the fire spider to 1 hour and the Acklay to 2 hours.
    • Geonosian Bunker: Slighty decreased the power of the fire spider and Acklay loot drops.


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