March 22, 2004

New Quests: Deliver Instructions to Hired Agent (Daclif No. 6)

Updated Quests: Retrieve the Necklace (Booto No. 1)Retrieve Thermal Detonator (Booto No.2)Rodian Cargo Permits (Vana No. 1)Save My Daughter, err Son (Sidoras No. 2)Retrieve Winner's Name Holo (Sidoras No. 1)Retrieve Merlyx Dolv (Daclif No. 5)Deliver Loyalty Day Parade Donation (Daclif No. 4)Deliver Bonadan Shipping Order (Daclif No. 2)Retrieve Bonadan Shipping Order (Daclif No. 1)Pick up Krahbu Donation (Daclif No. 3)The Dead Gronda (Gilker No.1)Crazy Krahbu (Lareen No. 1)The Infected Mott (Lareen No. 2)Kill the Imps (Garm No. 6)Kill Kalia (Garm No. 5)Bring Back Bothan (Garm No. 4)Kill Informant (Garm No. 3)Garm's Escort (Garm No. 1)The Rogue Agent (Garm No. 2)Maestro's Invitation (Hefsen No 1)The Runaway Gualmam (Hefsen No. 2)Wealthy Patron (Hefsen No. 3)Whackin' for Thracken (Thracken No. 1)Tarl's Informant (Tarl No. 1)Desert Rat Hide (Mat No. 2)Desert Squill Meat (Mat No. 1)Stolen Goods (Kavas No. 1)(Dodonna No. 1) Help Evacuees(Dodonna No. 2) Escort Crew Back to Base(Dodonna No. 4) Deliver Information(Luke No. 1) Escort the Supervisor(Luke No. 2) Recover the R2 Motivator Unit(Luke No. 3) Escort the lost Archaeologist(Bib Fortuna No. 4) Tailoring Schematic(Han No. 5) Padded Tantel Armor PieceMaster Hunter's Trophy -- A Bol Skull (Mat No.4)Escort Dagorel (Borvo Guard No. 1)(Loam No. 4) Reinforced Stormtrooper Armor

New and Updated Abilities: Mimetric CircuitrySynthsteak

New and Updated Locations: mos deepSharnaff CityHome of Te'Jhad-jaya (1st)Shops for my BE'd petsMy housemenace of belaamtownswilleFalkan's Flippity Floppity Floop

New and Updated Mobs: Merlyx DolvLt. Mien HalloorWindle MeekerNateba KurrAse’et OfratiGiant MawgaxGrizzled DewbackCrazed Geonosian


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