NCSoft Responds to Player Concerns

NCSoft has posted a response to player concerns. They reiterate that bots and online sale of in-game items are not allowed and steps that are being taken to stop them. Also noted is the upcoming Chronicle 1 launch and with that a public test server! 1. Bots – the use of bots is strictly prohibited by the Terms of Service of all of NCsoft’s games. We have been aggressive in our efforts to track and ban bot users. This effort has been successful in that we have seen a sharp decline in their use since launch and we will continue to take a zero-tolerance approach to this issue. 2. Sale of Lineage II items online – Sale of items / adena from Lineage 2 (or any NCsoft game) is prohibited by the Terms of Service. NCsoft will provide NO support for those that engage in this activity and will enforce our Terms of Service regarding this issue. As time goes forward and we gain access to more sophisticated tools in this regard, we will not hesitate to use them to discourage this activity. 3. Staggered launches – We recognize that staggered and/or delayed launches are not the optimal way to introduce new content. Due to localization issues, this is how we must do it at present. We are actively optimizing processes to facilitate simultaneous launches. We want to clarify our stance on the above concerns so that players can begin thinking and talking about exciting upcoming issues such as Chronicle 1 and the launch of a public Test Server. We at NCsoft are working hard to improve and expand Lineage 2, as well as improve our support and service to the customers. The Lineage II team


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