TC - Corbantis

Last week we made a backup of your server. Today we copied that backup onto a Test Cluster to help with some extra testing efforts. For the next few days, we humbly request that as many people as possible log in to TC-Corbantis to help us create a heavy player load on the server. We are doing this as part of what is called a “smoke test” on the server so we can test out the new publish 9 code on a live server full of player cities, harvesters and all of the things that make the live server environment unique. Some of the features for Publish 9 that we would like to get some extra player testing on the new Jedi revamp, the Hermit Quest, the new entertainer quests, new crafting quests and and the new chat channels. Please report any bugs you find on the TC-Corbantis Bugs/Live issues thread on the In Test Forum. It would be really helpful (and JustG would win a bottle of Whiskey) if we could see more than 100 people on the server, so if you get a free moment, come check things out! How to Join Test Center To join, simply log on to Test Center and choose the “TC-Corbantis” server on the selection screen and join the game. * Just a note, the database is about a week old, so things will appear in game the way they did about a week ago. ** Also note that only players from Corbantis will have developed characters. Thanks! I've also put up a bunch of In-Development threads that I would really like to get your f33dback on. Jedi Feedback: Jedi Conversion Process Jedi Feedback: Lightsaber Crafting Jedi Feedback: Jedi and Combat Jedi Feedback: Jedi Force Ranking (FRS) Jedi Feedback: Crystal Drop Rates Jedi Feedback: Jedi Powers Kurt "Thunderheart" Stangl Assistant Community Manager Original thread can be found here.


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