TC1 Coming Down for 5 Days

I want to thank Justene for these breaking news stories and being my "unofficial" helper for news. This just in from the SOE boards. Get ready TC1 players, your next week is going to be a tuffy.
    Subject: We need to take down TC1 for a short while... Greetings… As many of you know, we brought up a third test center yesterday in an attempt to do a final smoke test. We ran this server in a configuration we’ve never tried before with the database on one coast, and the hardware on another. After watching through the night, it’s clear that it doesn’t work very well. We see a lot of problems that are directly related to latency. This publish is the largest update to SWG since the Mounts/Player Cities publish over 6 months ago. It is important to proceed with this final smoke test to ensure the final transition goes smoothly once we transition to Live. In order to successfully test, we need to temporarily borrow the hardware that is currently used for TC1. Our plan is as follows: - Safely shutdown TC1. - June 17th: Bring up TC-Corbantis using the hardware from TC1. - Test Test Test on both TC-Corbantis and TC2. - Publish goes live June 22nd. - Bring up TC1 no later than the afternoon of June 22nd. While we understand the disappointment of having you server down for 5 days, it gives us the greatest chance of delivering a quality publish to the rest of the clusters. Remember your characters still exist on TC. Thank you for your help. Blair Producer


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