EQ Update #46
Site Updates
Updated Items: Brittle Iksar Skull ; Sleek Black Beads ; Dankglow Vine Sap ; Scroll of the Dark ; Dankglow Ivy ; Sticky Drogan Net ; Glowing Frontier Gem ; Syldon Cautery ; Enchanted Syldon Bark ; Swarmcaller ; Essence of Tzirathk ; Iridescent Scales ; Tea Leaf Oil ; Darkmatter Dust
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New Quests: Kuughrak's Task ; Dithgar's Defender
Updated Quests: Jaggedpine Poacher Heads ; Daily Task: Heroic Adventures ; On Behest of the Emperor ; Pentalateral Negotiations ; The Realm of Pain
Updated Recipes: Iridescent Scale Headdress
Bestiary Updates: Lon the redeemed ; goblin spirit caller ; goblin warlord ; iksar pariah ; a goblin outrider ; myconid adept ; myconid priest ; myconid warrior ; myconid reaver ; Construct of Sathir ; myconid spore king ; Tzirathk; Battle Master Ska`tu ; Auraline ; Nightclaw Raptor ; skeletal warlord ; skeleton ; Ottar [Flastpost Head] ; Tenlu Coi [The Coppicer] ; Earthcaller Quill [Rathe Heretic] ; Venomrider Di`aak [Talk Talker] ; Roald [Farpost Head] ; a Syldon flamewarden ; a Drogan eradicator ; Asza Do`Saraken [Exodus Sentinel] ; an enchanted grove guardian ; The Rockchanter ; Ghorgash ; Dithgar Irongut ; Seshkar