EQ Update #53
Site Updates
Updated Items: Distillate of Clarity XVIII ; Di'Zok Signet Ring ; Amorphous Cohort's Leggings ; Scuffed Traveler's Rucksack ; Trean Flies ; Pile of Gravel ; Slugworms ; Satchel of the Combine Hero
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New Quests: Takish-Hiz: Rescue Ambassador Plauh (Escort)
Updated Quests: Leather Ornate Tranquility Armor ; Others' Things
Bestiary Updates: Escon Quickbow [Adventure Recruiter] ; a subjugated stoneworker ; a subjugated stoneworker ; a malfunctioning stoneworker ; a subjugated stoneworker ; a subjugated stoneworker ; Ralkor Stoneclaw [Potion Merchant] ; a subjugated stoneworker ; Rend ; Yeti Matriarch ; Reese the Rhinopocalypse ; a Royal advisor ; a phosphorescent golem ; a hollow tree ; a wooden barrel ; a sandy chest ; a Royal guardian ; a talented gemsetter ; a Royal confidante ; a Jeweled Guard hero ; a Royal guard ; a Royal advisor ; a Geomantic Compact prodigy ; Geomantic Compact Timekeeper ; Geomantic Compact Timekeeper pet ; Royal Priest ; a city patroller ; a Flowkeeper director ; a Flowkeeper inventor ; a flustered sandspirit ; a forgotten Cave Dweller ; a Geomantic Compact guardian ; a giant burrowing scarab ; a guardian of sand ; a Royal sandadvisor ; a summoned greater defender ; an ancient sand frog ; an earthen defender ; an enraged stoneservant
New Zones: Takish-Hiz: The Sandfall Corridors (Group)
Zone Updates: Takish-Hiz: The Sandfall Corridors (Group)