June 22, 2004

I have loads of stuff just waiting for the patch so I can post it. I may just start adding in advance of the patch as there is a LOT of stuff and I will be working the DAoC site next week too when the patch goes live.
New and Updated Abilities: Marine Armor Chest Plate

New and Updated Locations: Koolah (Kaaloo's Museum & Shop)Irinka's Sliced ArmorsMeenah (Kaaloo's Museum & Shop)Leelah (Kaaloo's Museum & Shop)Irinka's Composite ArmorsIrinka's Ubese and PSGsIrinka's Full suitsHikage City

New and Updated Mobs: Singing Mountain Clan CouncilwomanChef TrainerKreetle (baby)King Venom NightspiderBrackaset Female


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