EQ Update #197

Site Updates

In this update, items from the revamped version of Veeshan's Peak was tagged Omens of War instead of Gates of Discord. This is due to developers deciding the zone will be released with OoW on progression servers instead of GoD when it was originally released. I'm slowly moving over these items to the VP 2.0 NPC's.

Also there were some quest and NPC updates via new comments.

Click Read More to see all the updates.

Updated Items: Gruesome TrophyAged Sword of RileAged Shield of EldersDragonspine ChainmailDragonforge BreastplateAged Left Eye of XygozEnchanted Orb of ReplenishmentEnchanted Orb of Burning SpikesPolished Chunk of RageOrb of Gathered PowerBloodstone of Armored ProtectionRacnor-Hide WristbandBasilisk Bone HammerAged Blade of Falling StarsShimmering Wurm RingAged Shissar Elementalist's StaffAged Shissar Apothic StaffBurning Cinder RingAged Feverblade - Bane of the ShissarAged Razor Fang of XygozPrismatic ShoulderpadsNecklace of Wyvern LeatherAsh-Encrusted WristguardWyvern Bone RingAged Shissar Focus StaffAged Spear of ConstrictionAged Scimitar of LifestealingAged Star of the GuardianAged Smoldering CudgelRing of the Silver DragonAzure GirdleAged Shissar Deathspeaker StaffAged Katana of Flowing WaterAged NightfallBurnt CloakMagma Forged BracerEarring of the BroodDark Hoop of CalamityAmice of the SkywingsAged Blued Flower KatanaReinforced Wyvern WristguardGlowing Drake BileHoop of ScalesCloak of NecropotenceAged Sarnak Channeler StaffWand of the Lava ShaperAged Dragon Claw Main GaucheAged Dragon Spine StaffBow of the RingAzure Ring of BalanceSkywing Signet of StrengthRing of the SkywingAged Hammer of the DragonbornShoulderpads of CalamitySapphire Adorned Brood RingMask of InfirmityAged Claw of Phara DarAged Pulsating GemMask of the Sky DragonAged Katana of EnduranceFlame-Tempered GirdleEarring of Phara DarReinforced Wyvern BootsNecklace of the Melodic DragonAged Yunnb's EarringAged Lyran's Mystical LuteAged Shroud of VeeshanDark Cloak of the WhelpBelt of the SkyAged Crown of RileNecklace of the PeakAged Grey Suede BootsAged Bo Staff of TrorsmangRing of the Azure SkyAged Staff of NullRobe of Burning SorceryAged Frozen ZweihanderAged Runestone MaulReinforced Wyvern ArmletsShield of Dark HuesAged Executioner's BladeReinforced Wyvern GlovesTainted Racnor ShieldDragonhide TunicBuckler of Shimmering Light

Updated Quests: Leafrunner Test of LoyaltyRestock High Quality Ore (Plane of Knowledge)We Make Our Own RewardsAsk the InvadersGrummus!Probing the FortressTheir Own Medicine

Bestiary Updates: Lord Darishorc warlordAliafya Mistrunner [Druid Guildmaster]First Fragment of IgokJerill the Enrageda deathbone magusNexonaPhara DarXygoz


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