June 23, 2004

Starting on the Jedi revamp stuff, will take SEVERAL days to get all the info for you. I would also like to let you know the character builder may be broken until I am finished entering the basic information, so bare with me!
New and Updated Abilities: ArmoireEnd TableAT-STChairCafe TableChestCouch

New and Updated Locations: You's Shop--BrennToka's Estate and VendorsDexx's Swampside ResortAUXIMPMUTDETikoto OmNi ValleyTitan CityCabalAgrilatiaMos ELITE

New and Updated Mobs: Imperial Exterminator

New and Updated Skills: Enhanced Reflexes MasterRanged Defense IV: Danger SenseRanged Defense III: Precognitive SensesRanged Defense II: Reaction SpeedRanged Defense I: Heightened ReflexesMelee Defense IV: Close Combat AvoidanceMelee Defense III: Heightened AgilityMelee Defense II: Increased DexterityMelee Defense I: Attack AvoidanceVehicle Control IV: Reflexive DrivingVehicle Control III: Vehicle HarmonyVehicle Control II: Superior HandlingVehicle Control I: Ground SenseSurvival IV: Harmonious NatureSurvival III: Uncanny MovementSurvival II: Nature SenseSurvival I: Wilderness SurvivalEnhanced Reflexes NoviceDark Jedi GuardianDual-edge Saber IV: Devasting MovesDark Jedi ApprenticeCrafting MasteryExperimentation IV: Advanced AnalysisExperimentation III: Improved ProcedureExperimentation II: Progressive TinkeringExperimentation I: Crafting StudiesAssembly IV: Astute ConstructionAssembly III: Advanced PreparationAssembly II: Quality AssuranceAssembly I: Dextrous TouchRepair IV: RejuvenateRepair III: RefurbishingRepair II: RenovationRepair I: RestorationTechnique IV: Prosperous CraftingTechnique III: Substantial CraftingTechnique II: Auspicious CraftingTechnique I: Fortunate CraftingCrafting Mastery NoviceCombat Prowess MasterRanged Accuracy IV: Kill ShotRanged Accuracy III: Vital DamageRanged Accuracy II: Sense SpeedRanged Accuracy I: Sense MovementRanged Speed IV: Will of the WeaponRanged Speed III: Trigger FingerRanged Speed II: Honed SensesRanged Speed I: AnticipationMelee Accuracy IV: Muscle ControlMelee Accuracy III: Weapon ControlMelee Accuracy II: ExtensionMelee Accuracy II: ExtensionMelee Accuracy I: Weapon FinesseMelee Speed IV: Quick AttackMelee Speed III: Honed AbilitiesMelee Speed II: WieldingMelee Speed I: Weapon StudyCombat Prowess NoviceCombat Prowess Novice


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# Jun 24 2004 at 10:41 AM Rating: Default
Glad to see some work finally being put in on the SWG galaxy site
RE: nice
# Jun 24 2004 at 11:33 AM Rating: Default
what are you talking about, do you knot see updates almost daily?
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