EQ Update #14
Site Update
Here are updates for the past umm week and a half.
A large majority of original world zones NPC's should now have an expansion tag. Many will probably need adjusting to their correct expansion as I know there are quest mobs and such that were placed in those zones from later expansions. Let us know if you spot any.
Click Read More to see all the updates.
Updated Items: Intricate Tool Belt ; Glowing Magma Ring ; Wobbly Mining Pick ; Rusted Mining Pick ; Cracked Mining Pick ; Chipped Mining Pick ; Bundle of Shiny New Picks ; Sooty Miner's Cloak ; Lucky Miner's Gorget ; Status Report ; Status Receipt ; Malfunctioning Depth Gauge ; Gnomish Depth Gauge ; Depth Gauge Order ; Steel Banded Collar ; Hardened Steel Balance Gear ; Chewed Bellows Fabric ; Repair Drill ; Mechanic's Drape ; Legion Articulated Casing ; Hug Enforcer ; Whirlrending Mallet ; Testing Probe ; Premier Staff ; Vibrating Gem Fragment ; Silver Coil Spring ; Hidden Secrets in a bottle ; Gnomework Spine Bow ; Sharpened Pry Breaker ; Worg Fur Cloak ; Cycles Pendant ; Bolstering Spring ; Ancient Gear Axe ; Deviating Thoughts ; Djarn's Platinum Amethyst Ring ; Djarn's Platinum Amethyst Ring ; Djarn's Platinum Amethyst Ring ; Djarn's Platinum Amethyst Ring ; Djarn's Gold Amethyst Ring ; Djarn's Gold Amethyst Ring ; Djarn's Gold Amethyst Ring ; Djarn's Platinum Amethyst Ring ; Djarn's Silver Amethyst Ring ; Descending Moon Charm of Vigor ; Descending Moon Amice of Vigor ; Descending Moon Amice of Brilliance ; Descending Moon Amice of Adroitness ; Athletic Descending Moon Earring ; Vital Descending Moon Ring ; Vital Descending Moon Belt ; Summoner's Descending Moon Earring ; Secure Descending Moon Ring ; Savvy Descending Moon Ring ; Savvy Descending Moon Belt ; Quick Descending Moon Ring ; Quick Descending Moon Belt ; Fleet Descending Moon Ring ; Fleet Descending Moon Earring ; Fleet Descending Moon Belt ; Descending Moon Necklace of Vigor ; Descending Moon Necklace of Adroitness ; Descending Moon Mask of Vigor ; Descending Moon Mask of Brilliance ; Descending Moon Idol of Adroitness
Updated Quests: Bibol's Errands ; Welnik's Picks and Ore
Bestiary Updates: Miner Welnik ; Head Miner Bibol ; Smith Numden ; Royal Clerk Palthen ; Mip Sprocket ; Best Museum Security ; Bloodmoon Howler Trolog ; Breaker ; Fractured Sweeper ; Healer Prime ; Malfunctioning Iron Legion Hug ; A Non-Standard Deviation ; Repair for Pieces ; Tatters
Updated Items: Athletic Descending Moon Earring
Bestiary Updates: A Ry`Gorr Enforcer ; A Possessed Farseer ; A Thundering Tempest ; Nightwing ; Xundraux Xakra
Updated Items: Black Bear Skull ; Black Bear Head ; Black Bear Hat Ornament ; Shield of Striding ; Gyrospire Zeka Gyroscope 203'186'022' ; Gyrospire Zeka Gyroscope 331'051'233' ; Fabled Chetari Wardstaff ; Soil of Underfoot ; Cloak of Hazy Memories ; Forgotten Crypt Key ; Withered Leather Gloves ; Withered Leather Skullcap ; Essence of Earth ; Wavy Painted Egg ; Toothed Painted Egg ; Tiled Painted Egg ; Sunburst Painted Egg ; Striped Painted Egg ; Patterned Painted Egg ; Dotted Painted Egg ; Crosshatch Painted Egg ; Barbarian Hunting Spear ; The Gale Weaver ; Totemic Helm ; Totemic Bracers ; Totemic Gauntlets ; Totemic Breastplate ; Totemic Mace ; Totemic Greaves ; Totemic Boots ; Cliff Stone ; Clockwork Spine Pipe ; Clockwork Spinal Sprocket ; Clockwork Spider Leg Section ; Clockwork Spider Leg ; Ro's Curve
Updated Quests: Zimel's Blades (Quest for SoulFire) ; Monk White Headband ; Fabian's Strings ; Shaman Epic: Spear of Fate ; The Gale Weaver ; Arrialla's Token ; Magician Epic 1.5: Staff of Elemental Essence ; Anniversary Group Task: This Ain't Right ; The Origin of the Cuniculus ; Soil of Underfoot ; Greatest Gnome Hunters ; Danger Zone (Mission)
Updated Recipes: Black Bear Head ; Black Bear Hat Ornament
Bestiary Updates: Shondo Billin ; a lancer swordfish ; a stingtooth piranha ; a cauldron shark ; a piercer swordfish ; a cauldron hammerhead ; a gloomwater mermaid ; a gloomstalker mermaid ; a spinereef seahorse ; a squallsurge seahorse ; a swirlspine seahorse ; an impaler swordfish; a soothebrine seahorse ; The Fabled Dustbinder Grakina ; Oculys Ogrefiend ; Coralyn Kelpmaiden ; a seahorse patriarch ; Shellara Ebbhunter ; Sister of the Spire ; Schnozz the Flighty ; Drayen Blackguard ; Lord Grimrot (live) ; the Ghost of Kindle ; Commander Yarik ; Stormfeather ; The Fabled Estrella of Gloomwater ; an injured polar bear ; a bull shark ; Defan the Watch Captain ; Speckles ; a soundless devotee ; A Bloated Toad ; Jimothy the Delicious ; a Doomscale cultist ; a Doomscale visionary ; a Doomscale visionary ; Jynx One-Eye [Dread Pirate] ; Elkikatar ; Retseth Tretse ; Breaker ; Master Mechanic ; a clockwork maintainer ; a clockwork pipe cleaner ; an animated junkpile ; the generals` chest ; Niltoth the Unholy ; Mechagnomic Whirlrender ; a security flyer ; Whirlrender Scout
New Zones: Gnome Memorial Mountain: Danger Zone (mission)
Zone Updates: Gnome Memorial Mountain: Danger Zone (mission) ; Gnome Memorial Mountain: Danger Zone (raid)
Updated Items: Veshlin's Ring of Inner Strength ; Glove of Rallos Zek ; Secret Dawn Gem of Brilliance Muhbis ; Makeshift Binding Powder ; Simple Defiant Alexandrite Shard ; Emerald ; Luminous Wisp Trinket ; Alligator Tooth ; Collector's Undead Froglok Tongue ; Crystallized Sulfur
Updated Quests: Favors of the Hopelost
New Recipes: Secret Dawn Gem of Brilliance
Bestiary Updates: a spectre ; a shin ghoul knight ; a wan ghoul knight ; an urd ghoul wizard ; a golra ; Vopuk Shralok ; a crystaline mass ; The Fabled Ancient Cyclops ; The Ticking Crocodile ; Veshlin the Defamed ; Xendren Marl ; Nsat Egne ; Murdering Slave ; Steelslave Beast Tamer ; Master Smith ; Rabid Fleshfeaster ; Steelslave Thrasher ; Steelslave Ravager ; Enslaved Mystic ; Enslaved Mystic Pet ; Enslaved Mystic ; Warmaster Skooru
Updated Items: Fanglory ; Painting: Santug's Stockings ; Patched White Satin Gloves ; Tattered White Satin Gloves ; Spell: Koadic's Endless Intellect ; Fabled Entropy Pendant
Updated Quests: The Power of the Gatecallers ; Mechamatic Spelunking ; The Bokon High Council ; Hoshkar (Raid)
Updated Recipes: Brightly Glowing Combine Signet Ring
Bestiary Updates: Illusionist Lobaen [Enchanter Spells 51-60] ; a violent harpy ; a watchful harpy ; A Fabled Perfected Warder of Earth ; Leon ; Blooddrinker Furasza ; The Flesh of Osoros pet
Updated Items: Collector's Undead Froglok Tongue ; Water Flask ; Large Box ; Turnip ; Carrot ; Lettuce ; Freshly Cleaned Vegetables ; Mixing Bowl ; Telescoping Tripper ; Mechanic's Drape ; Free Love
Updated Quests: Concerned Citizens ; Delving into Frostcrypt ; Danger Zone (Mission)
Bestiary Updates: a ghoul ritualist ; the ghoul lord ; Cleet Miller Jr [Baking Supplies] ; a ghoul savant ; The Fabled Frenzied Ghoul ; Willowcrush ; a clockwork cache ; an animated scarecrow ; an ethereal banshee
Updated Items: Spell: Yaulp IV ; Mask of the Eight Eyes ; Elegant Mask of Light ; Goblin Juntah Harvester ; Echinacea ; Soother's Vigilant Necklace ; Mortal Celestial Deft Spark ; Diminished Inhabited Muhbis ; Assassin's Vigilant Necklace ; Scorpikis Worry Stone ; Mortal Celestial Shrewd Spark ; Battleworn Stalwart Moon Binding Wrist Muhbis ; Battleworn Stalwart Moon Binding Head Muhbis ; Battleworn Stalwart Moon Binding Hands Muhbis ; Battleworn Stalwart Moon Binding Legs Muhbis ; Battleworn Stalwart Moon Binding Arms Muhbis ; Battleworn Stalwart Moon Binding Feet Muhbis ; Battleworn Stalwart Moon Binding Chest Muhbis ; Carved Fox Ear ; Luggald Dagger ; Grimy Spell Scroll ; Steel Mesh Cloak ; Zombie Skin ; Fine Steel Wakizashi ; Preserved Split Paw Eye ; Collector's Preserved Split Paw Eye ; Reed Belt ; Cauldron Prawn ; Rat Eye ; Rat Whiskers
Updated Quests: Disappearing Dragons ; Adalora's Items
Bestiary Updates: Jetsam ; frenzied strathbone ; a coerced revenant ; Sigra ; tortured librarian ; Trakanasaurus Rex ; Dragontail ; Kraska Mreth ; spectral turnkey ; skeletal caretaker ; Coercer T`vala ; Foreman Ku`lul ; Foreman Mirt`akk ; Korucust`s Courier ; Jelquar the Soulslayer ; An Apprentice Herbalist ; a decaying fisherman ; a blackblooded taskmaster ; Ritualist Tzobodin ; Miner Gribok ; Life Drinker Krador ; Taskmaster Crizz ; The Spectre Sepulcher ; Partisan Yinlen ; Sentient Bile ; Tesch Val Deval`Nmak ; The Fabled Crypt Excavator ; The Fabled Bilge Farfathom ; Steelslave Priest ; Kyten the Sightless ; Vokrek of Rujark (Barracks of War) ; Steelslave Priest ; an ancient air warden ; an ancient stone warden ; Glaring Moon Void ; an ancient fire warden ; Magi P`Tasa
Updated Items: Appointment Enforcer ; Raw Fine Hide ; Grizzly Bear Head
Updated Quests: Exterminate the Vermin (Felwithe) ; Sneaky Sarnak
Bestiary Updates: Squire Wimbley ; a rabid grizzly ; Orlok Nebendis ; Captive Coin Bank Robber ; Captive Coin Bank Robber Pet ; Healer Prime