Upcoming Publishes

Thunderheart of SOE has released the following timeline of upcoming publishes:
    - Before publish 10, we plan on launching the character transfer system - In Publish 9.2 we are publishing Wookiee armor sets #2 and #3, new crafting quests and the second swoop race - Publish 9.3 will bring us the third swoop race - Publish 10 will be the Jedi Trials. This will be the new gateway to the Jedi profession that will by a mysterious path to unlocking Force sensitivity. - Publish 10.1 is going to bring us an exciting surprise and also a list of Correspondent requests - Publish 10.2 is focused on the entertainers which features a unique new experience where entertainers, Dancers and Musicians can perform for an NPC audience for the reward of a new song and dance.
It has also been stated by TH that Publish 10 has been delayed until the end of August for testing reasons.


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# Oct 21 2004 at 9:45 AM Rating: Good
383 posts
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